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Into the heads of Israel: “Izkor: Slaves of Memory” Screening & Siscussion with Filmmaker Eyal Sivan


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CINEMA AND THE CULTURAL COLD WAR: US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network


Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants 2022

2022-04-22 - 2022-05-22

Calcutta Research Group (CRG) is pleased to announce the Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants (2022) to be organized in collaboration with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, and a number of universities and other educational institutions in India. The Workshop to be held in Kolkata, India, from 14 November to 19 November 2022 will be an intensive combination of online and residential experiences designed to enable scholars and public activists in humanitarian and solidarity work to engage in sustained, interdisciplinary collaboration under the close mentorship of research faculty drawn from South Asia’s eminent universities and other institutions and some other eminent global institutions. The Workshop is open by application to scholars and public activists working to understand and map the nature of migration and forced migration flows, the instruments and dynamics of protection, the levers of the global and national legal authorities engaged in protecting the victims of forced migration, statelessness, access of refugees and migrants to education and health, the dynamics of migratory labour flows in the wake of globalization, and the impact of the pandemic on refugees and migrants. We particularly welcome applications from scholars, journalists, and legal activists working on policy challenges of concern to migrant and refugee communities in the South.
Preference will be given to applicants who are below 35 years of age and have or working towards a research degree in a relevant field and/or currently hold postdoctoral posts or faculty positions or have at least 5 years experience of working in relevant fields such as journalism, humanitarian protection, and public health and education. Exceptional candidates in other areas are also encouraged to apply. The deadline for application is 10 May 2022.

Detailed information about the application process can be found on the CRG website (www.mcrg.ac.in). For information on previous Winter Workshops please visit –<http://www.mcrg.ac.in/RLS_Migration_2021/Report_Winter_Workshop_2021.pdf>

For queries write to - forcedmigrationdesk@mcrg.ac.in

Submit your application here: https://forms.gle/Yf4mPUCMKePRYcUH7
We shall be grateful if you circulate the CFP amongst your colleagues and peers.

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