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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期


Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Workshop

2023-12-19 - 2024-01-21

📌講者 Speaker:吳杰恩/台大地理系碩士生

📌時間日期 Date & Time:Jan 8th, 2024 (mon.) 1 pm - 3 pm

📌地點 Venue:陽明交通大學光復校區人社二館106A R106A HA Building 2, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

📌線上會議室 Virtual Meeting Room:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83249773875?pwd=ZnM3Qm9PRDEwWENWU2cvWUEvYU5pdz09
Language: Lecture in Mandarin (English Interpretation provided)
📌演講摘要 Lecture Summary:




For the humanities and social sciences, visualizing various observed phenomena on a map and approaching them from a spatial perspective could lead to a more comprehensive presentation of issues, telling more interesting stories, and even generating different insights in research.

In this approximately two-hour mini-workshop, we plan to use QGIS software as a tool. In the first half, we will start with common spatial data types, coordinate formats, and software interface operations, which are often confusing for first-time users of spatial information, to establish a basic understanding of geographic information systems.

In the second half, we will explain and practice creating several types of maps, practice how to add textual annotations and other explanatory aids on the map, and finally produce a complete map. Since the functionality available for practical exercise is limited, we will also briefly organize and share online related maps and learning resources to facilitate the participants' subsequent self-improvement!


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