近期影音 Recent Video
China, BRI and Implications on Digital Governance, Authoritarianism and Future of Human Rights
more2023-12-20 - 2024-01-20
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., East Dist., Hsinchu City.)
Time: Dec 30, 2023.(Sat) 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., East Dist., Hsinchu City.)
2023年10月7日起,哈瑪斯發動對以色列的突襲,此舉引來以色列方面的嚴厲打擊與報復。兩個月以來, 以色列再度轟炸加薩走廊,不只殺傷八千名以上的巴勒斯坦平民, 更有六十萬人被迫撤離。
借鑑冷戰史與亞際視野,在這次的活動中,我們同時要探討以色列與西方帝國主義如何透過經貿封鎖、 國際政治與武裝科技圍堵巴勒斯坦, 更要強調圍堵及其反堵在文化場域表現的保守與反抗型態: 利用反猶主義全面檢查與箝制全球各地的想像力自由, 同時貶低巴勒斯坦的藝文創作價值。藉由座談、DJ與版畫印製的方 式, 我們表達支持巴勒斯坦抵抗以及與巴勒斯坦人民站在一起的聲音。
*活動免費入場,歡迎自由捐款,所得款項扣除活動成本後將全數捐贈在加薩及約旦河西岸提供人道主 義援助的巴勒斯坦紅新月會(Palestine Red Crescent Society)。
Since October 7, 2023, Hamas launched attacks against Israel, prompting severe revenge from the Israeli side. Over the past two months, Israel has once again bombed the Gaza Strip, causing the deaths of over 8,000 Palestinian civilians, and forcing 600,000 people to evacuate.
Drawing on Cold War history and Inter-Asia perspective, in this event, we not only need to examine how Israel and Western imperialism use economic and trade blockades, international politics, and military technology to confine Palestine, but also emphasize the competition of conservative and resistant forms of (counter-)confinement in the cultural arena: exploiting anti-Semitism to comprehensively inspect and constrain the capabilities to imagine globally, while simultaneously depreciating the cultural values of Palestine. Through discussions, DJ performances, and printmaking, we express support for the resistance in Palestine and the voice standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
* Admission to the event is free, and donations are greatly appreciated. After covering event expenses, all proceeds will be donated to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, which provides humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank.
- 王顥中:「以色列侵略巴勒斯坦的歷史與現在」
- Hao Zhong Wang, “Israel is Invading Palestine: Past and Present”
- 陳韋綸:反猶主義與文化冷戰部署:從Taring Padi《人⺠的正義》談起
- Willy Chen, “Anti-Semitism and Apparatus of Cultural Cold War: On Taring Padi ‘People's Justice’ ”
- Irfan Muhammad:DJ-巴勒斯坦音樂播映
- Irfan Muhammad, “DJ: Palestinian Music”
Time: Dec 30, 2023.(Sat) 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., East Dist., Hsinchu City.)
2023年10月7日起,哈瑪斯發動對以色列的突襲,此舉引來以色列方面的嚴厲打擊與報復。兩個月以來, 以色列再度轟炸加薩走廊,不只殺傷八千名以上的巴勒斯坦平民, 更有六十萬人被迫撤離。
借鑑冷戰史與亞際視野,在這次的活動中,我們同時要探討以色列與西方帝國主義如何透過經貿封鎖、 國際政治與武裝科技圍堵巴勒斯坦, 更要強調圍堵及其反堵在文化場域表現的保守與反抗型態: 利用反猶主義全面檢查與箝制全球各地的想像力自由, 同時貶低巴勒斯坦的藝文創作價值。藉由座談、DJ與版畫印製的方 式, 我們表達支持巴勒斯坦抵抗以及與巴勒斯坦人民站在一起的聲音。
*活動免費入場,歡迎自由捐款,所得款項扣除活動成本後將全數捐贈在加薩及約旦河西岸提供人道主 義援助的巴勒斯坦紅新月會(Palestine Red Crescent Society)。
Since October 7, 2023, Hamas launched attacks against Israel, prompting severe revenge from the Israeli side. Over the past two months, Israel has once again bombed the Gaza Strip, causing the deaths of over 8,000 Palestinian civilians, and forcing 600,000 people to evacuate.
Drawing on Cold War history and Inter-Asia perspective, in this event, we not only need to examine how Israel and Western imperialism use economic and trade blockades, international politics, and military technology to confine Palestine, but also emphasize the competition of conservative and resistant forms of (counter-)confinement in the cultural arena: exploiting anti-Semitism to comprehensively inspect and constrain the capabilities to imagine globally, while simultaneously depreciating the cultural values of Palestine. Through discussions, DJ performances, and printmaking, we express support for the resistance in Palestine and the voice standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
* Admission to the event is free, and donations are greatly appreciated. After covering event expenses, all proceeds will be donated to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, which provides humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank.
- 王顥中:「以色列侵略巴勒斯坦的歷史與現在」
- Hao Zhong Wang, “Israel is Invading Palestine: Past and Present”
- 陳韋綸:反猶主義與文化冷戰部署:從Taring Padi《人⺠的正義》談起
- Willy Chen, “Anti-Semitism and Apparatus of Cultural Cold War: On Taring Padi ‘People's Justice’ ”
- Irfan Muhammad:DJ-巴勒斯坦音樂播映
- Irfan Muhammad, “DJ: Palestinian Music”
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