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SEACAT (Data management and voice out app

 for Indonesian Seafarers in Taiwan)


1. Jonathan S. Parhusip 貝納森/陽明交大社文所博士生

2. Albert B. Christian 顏狩耑 /陽明交大電機資訊國際學程博士生

3. Jehoshua H. Pratama 管禾書/陽明交大電機資訊國際學程士生

4. Fan-Yu Kuo 郭凡瑀/陽明交大社文所碩士生


藝研難盡 Art is a Long Story:「免疫治理的挑釁與其生態書寫

—— 台灣八〇年代後 HIV 傳染語藝」研究企劃


1. 許修豪 Shiu Shiou-Hau/國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所碩士生

2. 黃羿瑄 Huang Yi-Hsuan/國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所碩士生

3. 謝宜樺 Hsieh Yi-Hua/國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所碩士生


The Platform Phenomenon and its Discontents


1. Lungani Hlongwa /陽明交大社文所博士生

2. Fernan Talamayan /陽明交大社文所博士生

3. Piotr Pawel Skora/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生


Shaping Enclaves: Mobility, Sovereignty,

 and Exception in Capitalist Frontiers


1. Jonathan S. Parhusip/陽明交大社文所博士生

2. LI Qi(李齊)/陽明交大社文所博士生

3. CHEN Yanyu(陳艷瑜)/清大人類所博士生

4. CHEN Yang(陳洋)/清大社會所博士生


De territorialized identities: Construction or

(De)construction of memories, identity, and culture


1 Nguyen Thi Trang/陽明交大社文所博士生

2. Monika Verma/陽明交大社文所博士生

3. Kahlan A. Alradhi/陽明交大社文所博士生


A Guide to Survive Online Video Games,

 Fandom and Social Media.


1. Kong Tsz Lik/ 陽明交大社文所碩士生

2. Piotr Skora/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生

3.Feeza Vasudeva /陽明交大社文所博士生


Land Acquisition: Law, Conflict, and Politics in Colonial and Contemporary Asia


1. Kahlan A. Alradhi/陽明交大社文所博士生
2. Monika Verma/陽明交大社文所博士生
3. Trang Nguyen /陽明交大社文所博士生


亞際自組織木刻版畫系列 II:
Inter-Asia Self-organised Woodcut Collectives Series II:
Collaboration, Authorship and Art Capital


2. 李丁/陽明交大社文所博士生
3. 范垂陽/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生






3. 張奕涵/世新大學性別所碩士生
4. 葉寶儀/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生
5. 鄒文君/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生




2. 李丁/陽明交大社文所博士生
3. 范垂陽/陽明交大亞際學程碩士生


Socio-Environmental Conflicts in Asia


1.Lungani Hlongwa /陽明交大社文所博士生
2. Fernan Talamayan/陽明交大社文所博士生
3. Weisyun Chen/陽明交大社文所碩士生




1.葉寶儀 /陽明交大社文所碩士生





2021-1:A Guide to Survive Online Video Games, Fandom and Social Media

Project report by Kong Tsz Lik, Piotr Skora, Feeza Vasudeva

指導老師 : Prof. Lawrence Yang

Abstract: In 2014, the cybermovement #GamerGate made ripples in gaming industry,while bursting the myth of diversity in gaming culture. Through the analysis of the movement, the article highlights how #GamerGate became a rallying point around the identity – “gamer” – against women and their allies who were pushed into identification against it. This article, therefore, details some of the hateful rhetoric, death and rape threats, hacking, doxing, and deception campaigns conducted against women in the videogame industry. The article also highlights how there has never been a singular gamer identity. Nonetheless, GamerGate did result in condensation of the identity of the gamer, as many fled from where it while others flocked towards it. Finally, the article asserts that, following Deleuze and Guttari, #GamerGate realigned and divided the identity of the gamer to encapsulate a form of microfascism.


Keywords: GamerGate, Identity, Microfascism, Gamer.

Full Article Download

2021-1: Deterritorialized identities: Construction or (De)construction of memories, identity, and culture in exile.

Project report by  Nguyen Thi Trang, Monika Verma , Kahlan A. Alradhi 

指導老師 : Prof. Joyce C.H.Liu



This project analysis workers and refugees who have migrated and taken refuge in other countries. When they come to host countries, faced with difficulties and challenges, they are always in a dilemma, whether they should rebuild their identities or bury their identities to integrate with the community. In the opposite aspect, this research also shows the challenges of identities in receiving countries when facing waves of new migrants and reufgees. This joint-research project consists of three parts, undertaken by three researchers. Nguyen Thi Trang focuses on "Politicized collective identity: Rethinking of the Vietnamese movement against the French colonial government in the Pacific Islands. Monika Verma highlights the issue "The Rohingya crisis: Floating populations' persecution/massacre-related memories in exile." And the last one, Kahlan A. Alradhi interested in the theme "The issue of identity between expatriate workers and citizens in Gulf Arab countries."

Full Article Download


2021-1: Shaping Enclaves: Mobility, Sovereignty, and Exception in Capitalist Frontiers

Project report by Jonathan S. Parhusip, Li Qi , Chen Yanyu , Chen Yang

指導老師 : Prof. Yen Lin Tsai



With the expansion of state developmentalism and global capitalism, many periphery zones and communities emerged within state borders, such as special economic zones or migrant enclaves. Spurred on by the inspiring issues of 'alternative sovereignty' and capitalist frontier, our collaborative project titled "Shaping Enclaves: Mobility, Sovereignty, and Exception in Capitalist Frontiers" examines various enclave practices in Taiwan, Japan, China, and Cambodia. Drawing on four case studies in mentioned areas, our group is trying to map how different mediating actors draw political and social boundaries within the enclaves and how periphery zones are connected with the state and the broader capitalist world.

Keywords: Frontier, Special Economic Zones, Land, Hope Economy, Migrant, Grassroot Activism, Globalization, Assemblage


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2020-2:亞際自組木刻版畫系列 ii :集體協作、著作權與藝術資本

Inter-Asia Self-organised Woodcut Collectives Series II: Collaboration, Authorship and Art Capital

Project report by Lee Chun Fung, Duong Pham, Li-Ding

指導老師 : Prof. Joyce C.H. Liu




本期小誌序言由編輯部共同編寫,題為〈有關集體協作、著作權與資本的問 題〉(Questions about Collaboration, Authorship and the Capital),主要整理策劃小組的 理念和問題意識。

第二篇文章由李丁撰寫〈複製性的悖論:藝術作品語境中的木刻版 畫〉(The Paradox of Reproducibility: Woodcut as Artwork),

本文將會以現代木刻的歷 史語境為背景,嘗試討論「複製性」對現代版畫創作的意義與影響。

在現代版畫這個 異於以往藝術形式的創作手段面前,藝術家的定義有何變化?現代版畫既打破了人們對 精英藝術的固化認知,又重塑著屬於版畫自身的歷史語境(即屬於「人民的藝 術」)。

那麼,回到當代我們又該如何理解版畫的複製性?版畫在當代藝術市場又扮 演著怎樣的角色,是解構著藝術品市場的邏輯,還是透過新的社會情境發揮其傳播信 息的效用?

本文將嘗試透過現代版畫的歷史語境與當代版畫的發展概況,對上述問題 做進一步呈現。




2020-2:Land Acquisition: Law, Conflict, and Politics in Colonial and Contemporary Asia

Project report by Kahlan A. Alradhi, Monika Verma, Trang Nguyen

Advisor: Prof. Joyce C.H. Liu


Since ancient times, acquiring lands has been a fundamental point in the formation of society and history. In this project, we try to shed light on this phenomenon from a contemporary perspective through three different angles. In the first paper, we present a study of Indochina's land acquisition by the French occupation. The paper reviews the procedures for enacting laws to own, concede, and alienate the land by French occupation.


As a result, the local population turned from owners to workers serving the interests of the French. The second paper reviews the impact of the acquisition of land for investment (in Myanmar), which negatively and even bloodily affects the lives of the local population and may lead to sectarian conflicts (Buddhist - Islamic). Often the victims of this conflict are the most vulnerable ethnic minorities in society (in this case, Muslim Rohingyas), while it is primarily a process of acquiring lands for the sake of economic and political interests.


The paper explains how law facilitates State, military, and private companies to acquire the lands. The third paper examines the phenomenon of the acquisition of agricultural lands (in poor countries by rich countries) in order to provide food security. This phenomenon has expanded in recent decades due to many circumstances that have contributed to an increase in the demand for food. The paper introduces the topic through the Arab Gulf countries' experience in the acquisition of agricultural lands in both Egypt and Ethiopia. The paper attempts to highlight the opportunities and risks that may result from the acquisition of agricultural land in order to achieve food security.


Full Article: Download


ICCS WPS40 : The Issue of Land Acquisition/Grabbing-Induced Displacementin Myanmar: The Exacerbation of the Lives of Rohingyas / Monika Verma




Project report by 郭佳、張郁、張奕涵、葉寶儀、鄒文君

指導老師 : 王智明教授








境外生權益小組(Taiwan International Student Movement, TISM)是一個以組織境外生共同捍衛自身權益,並且不分本外,廣納共同關注境外生在台受教、勞動、醫療等權益問題與相關社會變革議題的異議性質組織。









Project report by Krystie Ng, Duong Pham, Li-Ding

指導老師 : Prof. Joyce C.H. Liu







The development of contemporary woodblock printing collectives in Asia is different from artworks that serve the institutions, market or personal collections, to a certain extent it can be regarded as the “alternative narrative” of our time. As the Inter-Asia affiliations have taken place across East Asia and Southeast Asia, they formed a self- organized network among these collectives, which not only have aroused concern about the deprivation of the underprivileged, but also underscored the artistic stance of co-production. Other than the mainstream individualistic aesthetic mode of production, such collaborative art-making envisions “politics” through art. 

There are five articles selected for this zine, they are (1) "The Left-Wing Spirit of Indonesian Artist Collective Taring Padi" by Chen Wei-Lun, (2) "Collaboration or Social Mobilization? The Historical Context of Gotong-Royong and its Politics" by Krystie Ng, (3) "How to Sustain a DIY Artist Collective? In the case of A3BC" by Ai KANO, (4) "To Exist Like a Mystery': The Dynamic of Trans-local Cultural Activism Network in East Asia" by LEE Chun Fung and (5) "From 'Popularization' to 'De- popularization': Rethink Woodcut Printing in the Context of Chinese Contemporary Art" by LI Ding. 

We attempt to map the trajectory of self-organized woodcut collectives, and discuss on the possibility for contemporary art practitioners and local people to establish a network that maintains both localized and trans-border dimensions. The practice of these collectives accentuates the participatory process based on ethical principles – equity among participants, respect for differences and democratic decision-making – and hence rethinks “autonomy”. More importantly, we hope to contextualize these empirical cases in the framework of globalization and neoliberalism to rethink the political significance of contemporary collective production. Indeed, the cases of woodblock printing collective are yet to be simply marked as a return to collectivism. The politics of collaborative art have to be scrutinized under the micro-perspective as well as the macro one, in other words, the historical and socio-political conditions. 

Through case studies in our articles and network mapping, we hope to henceforth deliberate on “an alternative route” of the Inter-Asia autonomous cultural network. 

Outcome of the printed publication



2019-1:Socio-Environmental Conflicts in Asia: Insights from EJAtlas



Project report by Lungani Hlongwa, Fernan Talamayan, and Weisyun Chen

指導老師:  陳奕麟 教授


Abstract: With increasing energy demands, the need for social infrastructure, and the neoliberalization of the environment, socio-environmental conflicts have increased dramatically in recent decades.  In advocating for environmental justice and community rights, our collaborative research project titled “Socio-Environmental Conflicts in Asia: Insights from EJAtlas” examined different socio-environmental conflicts in South, Southeast, and East Asia. With the help of EJAtlas, a project that catalogues global environmental conflicts, the papers generated by this research project focused on the proliferation of resistance against projects negatively impact people’s livelihoods. Of particular interest among the topics examined is the social mobilization of different actors and the tactics employed, as the researchers charted the actions and activities within the identified sites of struggle. The papers examined a number of factors and actors mediating the struggles such as affects, politics, media and the state. These play a significant role in determining the course and outcome of the struggles.


Keywords: EJAtlas, environmental conflict, social justice, India, Philippines, Taiwan









Project report by 鄒文君, 葉寶儀, 劉璧嘉, 郭佳, 黃雋浩

指導老師 :林淑芬 教授





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