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《Clement Town 舒適小鎮》放映和討論


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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期



Principle Investigator:Klavier Wang

Klavier Wang has long been interested in the interaction between mass media and social culture. During her doctoral studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University, she primarily focused on researching social movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan, specifically exploring how people connect and utilize media tools for resource mobilization and emotional engagement within social movements. While working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Education University of Hong Kong, she shifted her focus to popular culture studies, particularly examining the historical development and transnational influence of three major popular culture products in Hong Kong: film, television, and popular music. These research endeavors later became the main content of her book, "Hong Kong Popular Culture - Worlding film, television, and pop music." Subsequently, Wang pursued further studies at New York University, specializing in the preservation and restoration of mobile images, with a specific emphasis on the historical relationship between technology and its interaction with human society. During her time in New York, she also paid attention to the media development of Asian American communities, making it one of her research interests.