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CINEMA AND THE CULTURAL COLD WAR: US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network


Migration, Unequal Citizens, and Critical Legal Studies

Convener:Joyce C.H. Liu, Yu-Fan Chiu

According to the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the total number of international migrants had amounted to 272 million in mid-2019, up from 173 million in 2000. Compared to 70 million international migrants in 1960, the figure has increased by 200 million. Among the total number of international migrants, about 100 million international migrants were from Asia, and 83 million were migrating within Asia. Most countries in Asia still practice exclusionary politics of citizenship. The migrant workers and stateless persons suffer severe discrimination and even inhuman treatment because of their non-citizen status.

The first five-year ICCS project has discussed the theme of “Conflict, Justice, and Decolonization” to understand the crux of the problem from the scene of social conflict from the perspective of transnational migration and labor mobility. Our shared concerns include the different forms of social conflict and inequality in third-world countries within the global context. We paid particular attention to the issues of refugees, mobile laborers, stateless persons, and human trafficking under mass migration. We discussed the formation of severely excluded discrimination, oppression, and violence as expressed in laws and institutions in different societies. However, the international labor migration under globalization constantly faces exploitation, forced labor, and human trafficking, particularly in Asia-Pacific.

The second five-year project will focus on analyzing the forced labor risks in the global supply chain and addressing effective practices for eliminating forced labor, including law enforcement strategy. Our project will continue to deepen the transnational cooperation with research institutions, research scholars, and non-governmental organizations to develop more significant contributions to labor rights and access to justice for migrant workers, stateless populations, and undocumented workers. We orient our project toward a critical legal study in terms of empirical cases and emancipatory articulation of particular fundamental concepts, including citizenship.



Research agenda:

  1. Precarious conditions of mobile laborer and refugees and critical legal issues: migrant labor rights, fishers' labor rights at sea, Women migrant workers, statelessness and refugee issues, forced labor, human trafficking, and transnational organized crime, human rights issues, grey zones in domestic and the international law 
  2. Logistics and infrastructure: zoning technology, labor supply chain, port cities, tax haven, offshore financial centers, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZs), Flag of Convenience (FOC)
  3. Migrants' space-making capacity and artistic community: migrants' right to belong, the right to the city, Migrant’s music communities
  4. Re-envisioning of the concept and practice of “citizenship”: concept of co-citizenship, democratizing the practice of citizenship, re-thinking the question of the civilizing process suggested by Étienne Balibar

For more information on event outcomes, please see: Migration, Unequal Citizens, and Critical Legal Studies.

Previous work (more)





Research Topics

A Critical Genealogy of the Logistics of the Forced Migratory Labor in the Asian Mediterranean SeaJoyce C.H. Liu, Professor & Director, ICCS & IACS, NYCU.
A Critical Legal Study on the Policy of Migrant Workers and Elimination of Forced LaborYu-Fan Chiu, Associate Professor, & Wen-Chen Chang, Professor, School of Law, NYCU.
Sexual Autonomy of Female Migrant Workers in TaiwanProfessor Lin, Chih-Chieh, Professor, School of Law, NYCU.
Refugees in Countries without Refugee Laws: Exiled Tibetans in India, Nepal, and TaiwanMei-Lin Pan、Dolma Tsering
Challenges for Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan in the Elimination of Forced LabourBonny Ling (scholar-practitioner, Executive Director of Work Better Innovations, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the University of Nottingham Taiwan Studies Programme)
International Law from Southern Countries—Interdisciplinary and Critical PerspectivesLeila Choukroune
Migrant Politics and the ‘ambiguous’ concept of citizenship in post-colonial Asia.Poonam Sharma
The plight of Rohingyas in India: The Hindutva politics and its practices of exclusionMonika Verma, Doctoral candidate, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU
MIGRANT FISHERS AND THE RIGHT TO THE PORTJonathan S. Parhusip, PhD Student, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU
Land-taking for technology parks: informality as a question and solutionLi Qi, PhD student, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Underground Music as Empowerment of Indonesian Migrant Workers in TaiwanMuhammad Irfan, MA student, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (UST), NYCU
Women Migrant Workers, Art, and Power to SpeakAurbey Fanani, MA student, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (UST), NYCU
Whole Person: The Creativity of Migrant Labor And Indigenous In Art ExhibitionsFan-Yu Kuo, MA student, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU
On the Legislative Direction of Forced Labor and the Protection of Labor Rights and Interests of Foreign Fishermen in Offshore Fisheries—Centering on the Legislation of Enterprise Supply Chain ManagementWenchi, Chang, L.L.M. Candidate, School of Law, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Exploitation, Unfree Labor, and Border Control RegimeYa-Wen Yang