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China, BRI and Implications on Digital Governance, Authoritarianism and Future of Human Rights
more2022-05-02 - 2022-05-27
I-Yi Hsieh 謝一誼 (Researcher, ICCS, NYCU國立陽明交通大學文化研究中心研究員)
Translation in East Asian History as Public History
This forum brings together four scholars across intellectual history, gender history, labor history, and history of anthropology, whose work critically engages with translation in East Asian history. The methodology of incorporating essential translated texts into the scholarly production reconsiders the convention of knowledge production in East Asian history, by reversing the structure of treating Euro-American authors as theory producers and Asian writers and texts as merely empirical materials to be analyzed. Asking whether translation can be a form of public history, we further translation’s engagement with the politics of decolonization. More, how does the life of meaning emerge in the process of cross-cultural (re)conceptualization? Can translation respond to the increasingly enclosed walls of ideological antagonism? With these questions in mind, translation can be viewed an inspirational aspect of scholarly practice, one that bridges research and public engagement.
時間Time: 5/27 10:00 – 12:00 (台北時間Taipei)
連結Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
密碼Code: 198901
Language: Lecture in English (Mandarin Interpretation provided)
Moderator 主持人:
I-Yi Hsieh 謝ㄧ誼 (Researcher, ICCS, NYCU國立陽明交通大學文化研究中心研究員)
Sarah Chang (PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz 美國加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校博士候選人)
Craig A. Smith (Senior Lecturer, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne 澳洲墨爾本大學亞洲中心副教授)
Jonathan Henshaw (Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica中央研究院近代史研究所博士後研究員)
I-Yi Hsieh (Researcher, ICCS, NYCU 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心研究員)
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