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20240429|Critical Curatorial Practices in the 21st Century: Public Space, New Media and Geopolitics


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【New Book Publication】 Treasure Island: The Discursive Struggle for Taiwan in the Midst of the New Cold War

2022-12-21 - 2022-12-28

Alain Brossat、Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado


Alain Brossat(國立成功大學玉山學者)
Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado(前國立成功大學博士後研究員)

本次新書發表會的書名稱為Treasure Island: The Discursive Struggle for Taiwan in the Midst of the New Cold War,本書由成功大學玉山學者布洛薩(Alain Brossat)與前成功大學歷史系博士後研究員李黃睿(Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado)共同合撰。此書是作者最初於2020~2022年在學術網站Invisible Armada上發表的文章合集。作者們長期於台灣生活工作,並關注地緣政治,而台灣作為東亞地緣政治重要觀察站之一,作者們以第一觀察視角,從政治哲學、政治科學、地緣政治學、歷史學及人類學的角度來分析與闡述,在中美新冷戰下,「敵人」如何透過特定話術與策略來操縱世界秩序與人民意識,甚而引發戰爭。12月28日誠摯邀請大家共襄盛舉、集思廣義。

Alain Brossat(布洛薩) 國立成功大學玉山學者,法國巴黎第八大學哲學系榮譽退休教授,為國際著名的政治哲學學者,致力於當代哲學的批判研究,特別關注於政治暴力、納粹與西伯利亞集中營、種族滅絕,生命權力/生命政治的當代政治治理,戰爭、歷史否定與集體記憶,地緣政治學、霸權起源與批判、知識解殖、重新思考民主、移民、庶民、屬下階層、社會底層議題。

Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado(李黃睿) 現任中央研究院博士後研究員,曾任國立成功大學玉山學者布洛薩的博士後研究員。國立陽明交通大學社會研究及文化研究博士,主要研究當代政治理論和話語分析,特別是民粹主義和民族主義的概念化及兩者與民主的關係。過去研究主題聚焦於爭取民主自決的社會運動與地區,尤其是加泰隆尼亞、臺灣、新疆和香港的政治發展,目前研究主題為美中之間的霸權鬥爭,以及臺灣位居其中的政治角色。

Treasure Island: The Discursive Struggle for Taiwan in the Midst of the New Cold War :前往觀看



This book is made of a collection of articles initially published by their authors on the academic website Invisible Armada (NYCU/NCKU), from 2020 to 2022. These articles, variably placed under the rubric of political philosophy, political sciences, geopolitics, history, or anthropology, are relatively “Taiwan-centred”, having been written by Western authors who either live and work in Taiwan or have been living there for a long time and are familiar with the local context. The authors envision the questions of the present and the evolving international situation by focusing on East Asian stakes and challenges: namely, East Asia as one of the primary “knots” of international tensions and risks of war.

Each of these texts has been thoroughly edited, and some of them have been reshaped from the perspective of this publication. The book discusses how the operation of construction of the “enemy” articulates specific linguistic strategies and tactics, and how it can be operated and led like a war. It also examines how discourses are designed to instil hate and prejudice into the minds of a “people”, eventually consolidating harshly antagonistic—friend/foe—relations as the commonsensical political imaginary. This is what can be called politics of enmity and hostility based on the manipulation of language. The project is arranged in chapters that focus mainly on the following issues: discourse critique, war of words and hegemonic narratives; the essence of the New Cold War and its conceptual challenges (what is “democracy” the name of in the present conditions?, where do commonplace dichotomies such as “democracy vs authoritarianism and totalitarianism” come from and drive to?); the present of Taiwan and East Asia in the context of the growing global disorder; and China as an epistemological stake.

The perspective promoted in this work relies on a combination of academic standards and commitment to an “ontology of the present”: what its authors relentlessly question is what the singularity of our present is made of and what its dynamics hypothetically lead to. Taiwan is presently not only, as the Western media insistently repeat, “one of the most dangerous places on the planet”. It is also one of the premier observation posts in the world for trying to decipher what our very intricate and enigmatic present is essentially made of. It is, at the same time, a primordial enclave from which to propose a policy of pacification and neutrality in the face of the growing risk of polarisation and conflict. These are the challenges this book addresses by prioritizing the power of critique over alignment with a party or state power.


Alain Brossat

Visiting Profesor, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University. Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, University Paris 8.

Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University. PhD in Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.



PART I – The Language of Hegemony

1.To resist within language. Alain Brossat

2.To eradicate the Culture of the Enemy. Alain Brossat

PART II – A War of Words: The Construction of the Anti-China Narrative

3.The Schmittian turn of Global Democracy. Alain Brossat

4.A pandemic of Sinophobia. Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

5.What is happening in Xinjiang? An epistemological challenge. Alain Brossat and Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

6.“Large Space” and the New Cold War. Alain Brossat

PART III – The Effects of the New Cold War in the Taiwan Strait

7.The thorny issue of Taiwanese sovereignty. Alain Brossat

8.Taiwan as a field of disinformation. Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

9.The little soldiers of the new Cold War in East Asia. Alain Brossat

10.Taiwan in a comparative perspective: is it Gibraltar, Switzerland, or Ukraine? Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

11.Quarantine as soft prisoning (room 703). Alain Brossat

12.How war fall on us. Alain Brossat and Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado

*本書由書林書局、唐山書局銷售 ,

或直接聯繫Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado juanalbertocasado@gmail.com

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