M.A. Thesis Degree Examination Announcement International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST), NCU 2024-01-05 - 2024-01-14 Yi-ru Chung Room A105, Liberal Arts Building I, NCU M.A. Thesis Degree Examination Announcement International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST), NCU Time:11th, January, 2024. 14:00 PM Venue : Room A105, Liberal Arts Building I, NCU Student:Yi-ru Chung Thesis Topic: The Production of Disney’s Mulan: Gender and Cultural Politics Advisor: Peng-yi Tai (Associate Professor, Department of English, NCU) Committee: Naifei Ding (Professor, English Department, NCU) Teri J. Silvio (Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica)