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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期


Spread of Otaku Culture throughout the World, and the Internet Technologies

2024-05-14 - 2024-05-18

中心活動|媒介與御宅文化 Spread of Otaku Culture throughout the World, and the Internet Technologies
🎙講者 Speaker:衫浦一德 Dr. Sugiura Kazunori (日本慶應大學媒介設計研究科 教授  )
📢主持人 Moderator:楊子樵 Dr. Zi-Qiao,Yang(國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所 助理教授)
📢與談人 Discussant:王楷閎 Dr. Wei-Chih, Wang(國立清華大學台灣文學研究所 助理教授)

📌日期時間 Date & Time:2024/05/17 (Fri) 2:00-5:00pm
📌地點Venue:國立陽明交通大學(光復校區)人社三館HC101 / HC101 (1st Floor), HA Building 3, Kuang-Fu Campus, NYCU.

📝報名連結 Registration:https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSdR6R7iJxiBjPy-YS_g9GvacDfqOKiwgW7N778OGN9v0H3qig/viewform?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR307v2o1r3j2xWD3HhN1IEcV6KuOMiN_pHUkzkxBbrw2tQDV-DVUTHf1pc_aem_AQ26EsJgJoE6V5lZx3Mp6aFEF0Nplx-6dhkQuWocK65wr6vE8fFhkUMa0yyAWrHV_7zuKfUoEDZ7oLflPKGyi721
活動方式 Format:線上及實體參與。 Hybrid seminar (online and offline)
💻會議連結 Zoom Link*:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82166208746?pwd=LzBVdGxyVnlDd1J1TGxEdUx1RjhiUT09
會議ID: 821 6620 8746
密碼Code: 829631

【簡介 Abstract】
"Anime", "Comic", and "Game" are some of the aggressive and innovative forms of popular culture spreading throughout the world. Japan is one of the major countries influencing this unique popular culture with its creativity. Enthusiasts of such popular culture are defined as “Otaku”. It also delivers a new sense of atmosphere in terms of "Kawaii", and "Moe". These so-called “Otaku” cultures are now focused throughout the globe and giving Japan an important role to enhance its innovative creativity. These contents and subcultures distributed from Japan have created a transnational cultural boom referred to as “Cool Japan” and now creating an inevitable cultural influence. Furthermore, political strategy suggests favorable international competitiveness to claim these cultural deliverables as the seeds of creativity influencing its national branding. We will be sharing how the roots of these Otaku cultural activities in Japan have expanded internationally as one of Simulacra with creators, and activists of the fields: How the technology has been created and knowing its real motivation to drive these subcultural activities, including the influence from technologies using the Internet Infrastructure..
We will first address the backgrounds and characteristics as well as its innovative expansion of “Otaku” culture recognized internationally, that were once born in the age of competing creativity that comes from Social Darwinism inherent during the phase of its economic growth and development of Japan. We will share the history of “Otaku Culture” and its technology in Japan from three perspectives. 1) Potential of expression process 2) Digital Content technologies that are being applied 3) Breakthrough of “Otaku Culture” influenced by Trans-nationalization and Internationalization. We will learn the creation process of media contents, games, and expressions for the next generation, especially learning and understanding technologies and methods to become a representative of “Otaku Culture creators and producers”. We will discuss with participants, the next generation evolving reinvented, recreated animation, games, and expression contents produced internationally outside of Japan, especially from Asia. This course will also introduce you to get used to the views, methodologies, and ideologies based on “Otaku” with practical evidence, together with knowing the route in the psychological process of satisfying desire and greed with its Otaku creativity.

*The lecture will be held in English. 
Organizers:National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS-NYCU).
Co-Organizer:National Tsing Hua University Institute of Taiwan Literature

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