一起練功同學錄 2020-2022 Energy Waving Collective, 2020-2022
2020 年初新冠疫情期間,有感於公共空間的急劇壓縮對個人、社群聯結的打斷,和對低成本養護身心、紓解鬱困的需求,幾個好朋友開始在居所定期聚會,一起習練內家拳(鬆身、站樁、推手),交流關心的話題。後逐漸走出家門,公開召集,遊動於各種街角的替代空間、公園空地,希冀將此方法從傳統等級師承語境中脫嵌,平等傳遞給更多身處不同情境和觀念的人群,強調對彼此身心狀態的覺知、傾聽和非應激反應,通過與身體的持續相處,培養、練習共同感知和實踐默契。
「一起練功」由馮俊華、萬青、歐飛鴻發起,活躍於廣州,也經由參與的朋友們自發帶到地球的不同地區。在道家的思想中,「柔」與「弱」是能量得以生成、流動、傳遞的關竅,對「柔」與「弱」的恐懼是首先要克服的心情。2023 年,「一起練功」發起了「同柔共弱」,在日常練功外,以不同的形式和方法來呈現、討論對「柔」「弱」的理解,包括邀請共同創作,組織放映、演出、工作坊等交流,嘗試在慕強的世界中豐富對生活的感知,探索多元互助形態與反應方式。
During the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the disappearance of public space had disrupted personal and communal connections. In response to a compelling need for low-cost health and mental care, a few of our good friends initated gatherings regularly at their homes to practice internal Chinese martial arts (Neijia Quan in Chinese pronunciation) — relaxation, standing exercise, and pushing hands and exchange topics of concern. Subsequently, in order to meet more new friends, their gathering transitioned to street corners, for example, alternative spaces, open spaces in parks, and so forth. To adhere to the principle of equality and counter hierarchical mastery from a master (shifu) to the disciples in traditional martial arts education, Energy Waving Collective seeks to make martial arts more accessible to peoples of different contexts and worldviews. To bring to the fore the mutual awareness of physical and mental state, attentive listening, and stress-free responses, their gatherings cultivate collective bodily perception and tacit understanding through constant bodily interactions.
Initiated by Chunwah Fung, Wanqing, and Feihung Ou, Energy Waving Collective is active in Guangzhou and has been spontaneously spread to different parts of the world by participants. In Taoist thinking, “softness” and “weakness” are regarded as the gateways to the generation, flow, and transmission of energy. Overcoming the fear of being soft and weak is of paramount importance. In 2023, Energy Waving Collective initiated a project “Together with Softness and Weakness” (Tongrou Gongruo in Chinese pronunciation) to manifest and explore the notions of softness and weakness in various forms beyond the realm of martial arts, including collaborative creative work, screenings, performance, and workshops. In opposition to the capacity-oriented ideology, such an initiative enriches our apprehension of daily life and help us explore various forms of mutual aid and reactions.
Lively and joyful!
Embrace gender-inclusive environment and active listening!
Interact playfully to stimulate body and mind!