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Into the heads of Israel: “Izkor: Slaves of Memory” Screening & Siscussion with Filmmaker Eyal Sivan
more2018-12-13 - 2018-12-15
Where the People Are...
Workshop on People's Theatre in Inter-Asian Society
Time: 13th-15th December, 2018
Organizer: The International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). 、The International Institute for Cultural Studies (IICS), University System of Taiwan (UST). Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)
Location: Room 210, HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Workshop Objectives
People’s Theater is theater of the people, made by the people, speaks for the people, and it exists in different historical formations. In Le Théâtre du peuple, published in 1918, Romain Rolland believes that the State belongs to history but the People belong to the present. The theater for the state and the royal court had come to an end, and theater for the people emerged during the period of French Revolution and Russian Revolution. Diverse groups such as the People’s Theater and Popular Theater have appeared globally in twentieth century, marking multiple trajectories of social political situations. The most representative ones include Augusto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed in Latin America, Theater for Development in Africa, Philippines Educational Theater Association in South East Asia, Madang Theater, and Tent Theater in South Korea and Japan. Over the past three decades, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, India and Mainland China have also developed different forms of People’s Theater.
Facing tumultuous changes in the twenty-first century, including the prevalence of transnational capitalism, the rise of right-wing nationalism, and the intensification of social class differentiation, we would like to invite the practitioners and researchers in different Asian areas to share their experience in diverse historical and social conditions. We intend to delineate the spectrum of People’s Theater in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand by expanding on the potential of discourse and praxis of People’s Theater under the challenging status quo.
We intend to discuss the following questions: How did the praxis of People’s Theater locate themselves within heterogeneous contexts of development in different regions for the past thirty years? How do they define the methods and objects of resistance? How do they apply local elements to develop their theater aesthetics? Did they change the working methods of theater practice to adapt to the historical moments? Where are the oppressed and the people that they have been working with in the present theater practice?
Our workshop takes place in mid-December 2018 at the International Cultural Studies Institution in National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Papers presented at the programme will be collected for future
Online Registration:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRnSPUMCALjx012Y-SlKU3W9DfQqDlA87Cn9Jl1SnynXcUbw/viewform
Registration Deadlines 2018/12/10
*simultaneous interpretation provided
Notes: http://iccs.chss.nycu.edu.tw/zh/news.php?USN=278
News: http://iccs.chss.nycu.edu.tw/zh/news.php?USN=275
Location:Seminar room 210, HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung University
Time |
Session |
2018-12-13 |
17:30-19:30 |
“開幕之夜”: 現場展演與交流 Opening Night: Live Performance and Interaction
地點:國立交通大學人社二館一樓大廳 Location: Entrance Hall, HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung University
活動說明: “開幕之夜”將以相互交流及行為展演的形式進行。我們邀請各地劇場實踐者以身體行動作為對話的方法,呈現各個團體的表演形態與關注議題。另外,我們也歡迎與會者提供剪輯影片片段,穿插於表演之間。我們期望藉著多元與互動的面向,彼此觀摩,共同探討當前各地民眾劇場實踐者如何思考與如何面對當前的各種議題。
Description: The Opening Night will be held in the format of mutual exchanges and body performances. We invite theater practitioners from all over the world to use physical action as a method of dialogue to present different types of performance and concerns of various groups. In addition, we also welcome participants to present video clips between performances. We hope that through diversity and interaction, we will be able to learn from each other and discuss how theater practitioners address today’s issues.
策劃 Curator: 姚立群 YAO Lee Chun (Taiwan) 表演者 Performers: 阿道.巴辣夫.冉而山 Adaw Palaf Langasan/冉而山劇場 Langasan Theatre (花蓮 Hualien) Dindon W.S/墓地劇團 Teater Kubur (雅加達 Jakarta) 洪承伊 HONG Seung Yi、白大紘 BAEK Dae Hyun/戲劇遊樂場 SHIIM Theater Playground SHIIM(釜山 Busan) 王楚禹 WANG Chu Yu(北京 Beijing) Assane Cassimo/Teatro em Casa(莫三比克 Mozambique)
策展人的話 Curator's words:
At That Time, the Audience Really Stood Up. |
19:30-20:30 |
晚宴 Welcome Party |
2018-12-14 |
9:00-9:20 |
開幕主持 Opening Moderator: 劉紀蕙 Joyce C.H. LIU (Taiwan) |
茶歇Teatime: 10:30-10:50 |
留在歷史腳步中的台灣民眾劇場 Historical Steps of People’s Theater in Taiwan
我們在此要問的是,反抗是不是民眾劇場的必然呈現?對體制的批判又是不是民眾劇場發展的應然條件? 三十年來的民眾劇場實踐者,如何在美學表現與政治訴求之間尋找迂迴前進的方法?如何在國家與社會的角力之間重申民眾劇場的反壓迫性格?
It has been thirty years since the People’s Theater was first introduced in Taiwan, while its development trajectory and historical context still need to be clarified; the social turmoil caused by martial law in the 80’s in Taiwan spurred the youths to spark up the little theater movement(小劇場運動) and the flashing fire of People’s Theater is also waiting for the future generations to unravel.
Our questions include: is the act of rebellion an inevitable factor of People’s Theater? Is the critique of the institution a proper condition for the development of the People’s Theater? How do theater practitioners find ways to make a difference between aesthetic performance and political appeal in the past thirty years? How to we reaffirm the anti-oppression character of the People’s Theater under the struggle between state and society?
主持 Moderator: 劉紀蕙 Joyce C.H. LIU (台灣 Taiwan)
講者 Speakers: 韓嘉玲 HAN Jia Ling (台灣 Taiwan):留在歷史腳步中的台灣民眾劇場
王墨林 WANG Mo Lin (台灣 Taiwan):民眾劇場的再構造
鍾喬 CHUNG Chiao (亞際 Inter-Asia):劇場能改造世界嗎? ——亞際民眾戲劇的反思
回應 Commentator:
林寶元 LIN Pao Yuan (台灣 Taiwan)
問答 Q&A |
12:00-13:30 |
午餐 Lunch Break |
茶歇 Tea Break: 15:10-15:30 |
重繪亞際民眾劇場歷史圖譜 I:跨地串聯與在地實踐 Re-mapping Inter-Asian Historical Contexts of People’s Theater I: Regional Solidarity and Local Practice
In Asia, practitioners of the People’s Theater looked to Europe and America to imagine a certain pioneering form. Practitioners in the Third World quickly noticed the importance of ideological resources and local traditions that are more relevant to their situation. Looking back at the meaning of Inter-Asian solidarity, People’s Theater has its own geographical orientation, as well as its ideological commonality. Practitioners of People’s Theater envisioned a united front built upon the weakest link, using the Third World as a weapon. People’s Theater developed through battling difficulties and established networks for cross-region exchanges through understanding and mutual support.
In this section we will discuss: What are the potentials, factors and situations that have contributed to the establishment of the Inter-Asian People’s Theater network? In face of turbulent political changes in various regions, what kind of shared structural difficulties have practitioners encountered? How have they changed the way they imagine Asia?
主持 Moderator: 姚立群 YAO Lee Chun(Taiwan)
講者 Speakers: 莫昭如 MOK Chiu Yu (Hong Kong): From People's Theatre to Community Cultural Development Work - Do they subvert? Is it Important?
Glecy Atienza (Philippines): PETA's Gold--Gaming the Nation, Changing Asia
Richard Barber (Australia): A Transformative Theatre of Dialogue: The Makhampom Theatre Group’s Negotiation of Thailand’s State of Repression
Robin Weichert (Germanry)
白大紘 BAEK Dae Hyun / 洪承伊 HONG Seung Yi (South Korea): 戲劇遊樂場Shiim的創立背景與期間活動
回應 Commentator: 吳思鋒 WU Si Feng (Taiwan) 王虹凱 WANG Hong Kai (Taiwan)
Q&A |
17:30-18:30 |
晚餐 Supper |
2018-12-15 |
茶歇 Tea break: 10:30-10:50 |
重繪亞際民眾劇場歷史圖譜 II :新馬印的在地實踐與互聯 Re-mapping Inter-Asian Historical Contexts of People’s Theatre II: Trans-local Practice and Exchange in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
Following the discussion about cross-border networks of Inter-Asian People’s Theater, this section focuses on the Southeast-Asian context and their hidden historical trajectories: the anti-oppression colonial history, diverse and interconnected languages and ethnic groups, complex national identification, and the heterogeneity of folk culture. The community practice of People’s Theater are still prevalent today and continue to experiment with political resistance and aesthetics.
In this section, the discussants will share the historical trajectories of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore while thinking about future strategies.
主持 Moderator: 蘇穎欣 SHOW Ying Xin (馬來西亞 Malaysia)
講者 Speakers: 沈國明 SIM Kok Meng (馬來西亞 Malaysia):技藝救國,聲色救災--戰前馬華劇運的側寫 Muhammad FEBRIANSYAH (馬來西亞 Malaysia/ 印尼/ Indonesia):Transnational Networks, People’s Theatre and Radical Opposition Movements in the New Order Indonesia
回應 Commentator: 郭慶亮 KOK Heng Leun (新加坡 Singapore) 區秀詒 AU Sow Yee (馬來西亞/台灣 Malaysia/Taiwan)
Q&A |
11:30-13:00 |
午餐 Lunch Break |
13:00-15:00 |
民眾劇場在中國大陸:勞動與實踐 People’s Theatre in Mainland China: Labour and Practice
This section focuses on the practice of the People’s Theater that takes the condition of the workers as the subject of dialogue in reflecting the social reality. How does People’s Theater perform blasting operations inside and outside of the factory, between high-speed operation of the machine and the human body? Independent little theater practitioners in Mainland China take labour culture as a starting point for thinking and creating, and this allows us to reflect on the vanishing space of both discourse and action of the People’s Theater.
主持 Moderator 王楚禹 WANG Chu Yu (北京 Beijing):公共空間裡的「觀念襲擊」 回應 Commentator 問答 Q&A |
15:00-15:20 |
茶歇 Tea Break |
15:20-17:20 |
走進草根:民眾劇場的主體想像與培力 Towards Grassroots: Imaginary of Subjectivity and Empowerment of People’s Theatre
People’s Theater emphasizes individual participation and autonomy as to construct a heterogeneous, collaborative communication community in the process of organization. Therefore, the focus of People’s Theater is not only its aesthetic presentation, but also the self-establishment and empowering process of the participants.
In this section, we will proceed from the imagination of subjectivities in People’s Theater by focusing on the dialogue among practitioners and participants in the theater of the people by asking the following questions: Where are the People? Why People’s Theater? What are the subjects of resistance? From the practical experience of each individual, how does the autonomy of the participants convert to the agency of social actions in confronting specific situations?
主持 Moderator: 李秀珣 LEE Show Shin (台灣 Taiwan):迴盪在換幕到真實的裂縫中:劇場「相遇-越界」,一條通往解放的航行 賴淑雅 LAI Shu Ya (台灣 Taiwan): 回應 Commentator: 問答 Q&A |
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