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20240429|Critical Curatorial Practices in the 21st Century: Public Space, New Media and Geopolitics


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The Twentieth Annual International Conference of Cultural Studies Association: The Rise of the Rest

2019-03-09 - 2019-08-31

The Twentieth Annual International Conference of Cultural Studies Association: The Rise of the Rest
Time: March 9-10, 2019
Venue: HA Building 3, Guangfu Campus, National Chiao Tung University
Online  Registration util 2019, March 3.  Same-Day Registration until 2019, March 9, 10 AM.

Download Conference Agenda: https://goo.gl/PVjc5c
※ Agenda will be updating until the conference day.


How to Register:

1. Qualifications:
Students, instructors, researchers, and the general public who are interested in this conference are all welcome.
Moderators, discussants, and roundtable discussants will be contacted by the conference organizers and do not need to register online.
Presenters and current students of International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (University System of Taiwan) and the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies (National Chiao Tung University) do not need to pay registration fees, but still need to fill out the registration form for meal and pamphlet arrangements.

2. Registration Options:
a. Online Registration: Please fill out the following form https://goo.gl/forms/ggVcS4bKrUgkEFKs2

b. Same-Day Registration: Registration is available at the conference check-in counter until 10AM, March 9th (for meal arrangement purposes). 
Pamphlets, name tags, and the conference bags are not guaranteed for this registration method.

3. Registration Fees (two lunches and the conference pamphlet inclusive):
a. Active CSA members: Registration is free. If you're not currently an active member, you're welcome to join anytime or pay this year's membership fees. Membership fees are $1,500 for regular members and $500 for student members. To become a member please follow this link: https://www.csat.org.tw/AboutUsApply.aspx?ID=36&pg=1
Note:Active member still has to fill the Registration form to finish the process.

b. Conference presenters and current students of International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (University System of Taiwan) and the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies (National Chiao Tung University) do not need to pay registration fees.

c. Non-CSA members: Registration fees are $300 (no single-day or single-session registrations).

4. Payment Methods :
a. Membership Fee of Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan. Online, ATM, or bank transfers
please, refer to Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan. website https://www.csat.org.tw/AboutUsApply.aspx?ID=36&pg=1.

b. Conference Registration Fees. Online, ATM, or bank transfers:
Bank: 808 E. Sun Commercial Bank, Hsinchu Branch (808玉山商業銀行新竹分行). Account No.: 95500740315930. Account Name: National Chiao Tung University (國立交通大學).
Note: Please pay before filling out the form, and please include your transfer info on the form. We will email you about your registration status in 3 days.

c. Pay at the Conference: You’re welcome to pay on the spot, but we recommend paying beforehand and picking up your receipt when you check in at the conference.

Q: I'm currently a CSA member, do I need to register online?
A: Yes, please register online so we can arrange for meals and pamphlets.

Q: Do CSA members need to pay an extra $300 registration fees?
A: No, if you're already a member, you only need to pay the CSA membership fees.

Q: I registered online and paid the fees, but I can't make it to the conference. Can I ask for a refund?
A: Refund requests need to be filed before March 3rd, 2019. Please email csaconf2019@gmail.com to request a refund.
 We don't accept refund requests after March 3rd, 2019.

大會主題:其餘的興起(The Rise of the Rest)
The West and the Rest,「西方以及其餘」,這樣的表述已經存在幾十年了,指涉了自十六世紀以來「西方的崛起」(The Rise of the West),西方對其餘世界的支配,以及對於形塑今日世界無與倫比的影響力。這個表述最晚近的代表作當屬史坦福與哈佛歷史學者Niall Ferguson於2011年出版的《文明:西方以及其餘》 (Civilization: The West and the Rest)。這部21世紀的著作回顧了過去五百年西方獲致如此優勢以及文明影響力的理由,更考察評估了西方在面對伊斯蘭世界與中國的政治與經濟挑戰中如何轉為防衛的守勢。
The Rise of the Rest,其餘的興起,則是個伴隨著21世紀而來的嶄新體察。這個標題首度出現於專注東亞研究的政治經濟學者Alice Amsden(1943-2012)於2001年出版的:《「其餘」的興起:晚期工業化經濟體對於西方的挑戰》 (The Rise of the “Rest”: Challenges to the West from Late Industrializing Economies)。她於1989年發表的《南韓:亞洲的下一個巨人與晚期工業化》,曾獲得美國政治學學會1992年頒的傑出政治經濟學著作;「其餘的興起」則是延伸更廣角的洞察。這個表述在過去十幾年獲得愈來愈廣的體認。CNN「全球公共廣場」(GPS)主持人Fareed Zakaria 於2009出版的《後美國世界:以及其餘的興起》(The Post-American World: and the Rise of the Rest),則相對於界定「現代性」與「西方生活」的美國世紀,大大推廣了「其餘的興起」這個體認與表述。我們強調Amsden原創的洞察與表述,她不僅考察了台灣與南韓的成長經驗,也考察了亞洲的中國、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、印度,中東的土耳其、拉美的阿根廷、巴西、智利、墨西哥。本屆年會主題:「其餘的興起」,這項在21世紀展開的體認,最早的啟發來自東亞的台灣與南韓於1960-70年代的快速工業化與經濟成長,跟著日本同為「其餘的興起」的領先雁群。
西方如何在面對「其餘的興起」的挑戰之下轉而為防衛的守勢?令人印象鮮明的是2016年中的英國脫歐、川普的競選與年底的勝選,前後數年間歐洲極右國族主義政黨的普遍擴張,加泰隆尼亞、蘇格蘭、以及歐洲潛在的分離運動。我們看到是二戰之後七十年全球化推手的西方強權,如今國內政治不僅表現反全球化的態度,而且走向保護主義、排外、築牆、分離主義、鞏固趨小的本土認同,Zygmunt Bauman所謂返回部族主義的趨勢。
若看的不只是西方而是包含「其餘的興起」的全球大圖像,人類進步的指標是明確的。Steven Pinker 今年(2018)的暢銷書Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress,讓我們撇開不論他的意見(西方啟蒙思想的理性與科學態度仍然是推動今日世界進步的因素),而只看他精心列出的統計事實:今日世界的平均壽命已增至71.4歲,相較於18世紀中期歐洲與美國的35歲。嬰兒死亡率、人類死於感染性疾病(瘟疫)、飢荒、戰爭、犯罪殺人、意外事故的比率也都分別明顯降低;尤其在興起的「其餘」國家,大規模的人口脫離貧窮;文盲減少,受基本教育與高等教育的人口都顯著增加;種族少數、女性、同性戀在平權上獲得顯著進展。然而這麼高瞻的全球大圖像並非決定西方回應「其餘的興起」的國內政治與地緣戰略因素,前述系列危機負向循環所造成的挫折與憤怒的民粹情緒才是民主社會需要應付的立即因素。而這將我們帶引到了歷史上跟1930年代最接近的模式狀況:保護主義、關稅壁壘、貿易戰爭、排外與極右民粹的國族主義。誰知道隨後將降臨的會是什麼!
從全球大圖像回到「其餘的興起」的基本意涵:力學的運動軌跡與相對速度問題,相關的分析單位即可有各種局部、地方、微觀的單元。例如,高雄,1999年貨櫃吞吐僅次於香港與星加坡的世界第三大港,後來怎麼被釜山、上海洋山港、深圳、青島、天津連續超越的?原來僅次於臺北穩坐第二大直轄市,如何被台中超越而淪為老三的?這又可能牽涉什麼社會心理與認同的議題?再例如,齊莫爾與巴特都清楚,定義「時尚」(Fashion)的,無非是個形式上保證「其餘的興起」的戲局,這可以用來分析消費物件、文學類型、藝術介入、遊戲、名人、或樂風。「其餘的興起」,也是哲學上「潛在與實現」(virtuality & actualizing) 問題的一種表述。因此「是什麼」(being)的問題沒有「將成為什麼」(becoming)的問題來得重要,人工智慧如此,認同與公民身分亦然。歷數廿世紀兩次大戰之後歐洲國家在領土、主權及其人民之間顯著的錯動,Giorgio Agamben指出如今歐洲各國的公民相當大的部分原來是難民。難民移民到公民之間不是一道簡單的歸化(naturalization)而是灰色的五十等色差(fifty shades of gray),別忘了還有反向剝除公民權(denaturalization)的五十道陰影,納粹下的吉普賽與猶太人,中國1949年後的地富反壞右,眼前緬甸的羅興亞人,1994年之前種族隔離下南非的黑人,即將在南非土改政策下遭到無償沒收農場土地的白人。

Video & Photos:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nBysrZOJqsg6WAAQ_GKY9syNsjWzuyZb

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