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One Belt, One Road and the Globalization of China's Political Economy

2019-10-03 - 2019-10-03

日期: 10/3 THU

時間: 9:30-17:30

地點: HA Building 3 R101 國立交通大學人社三館 101



9:30am: Opening Remarks by Workshop Organizer

9:45am: From Silk Road to Belt and Road: China as One World

Chair: Allen Chun

Topic 1: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Historical Retrospect, and Multifaceted Implications and Impact

Speaker 1: Xing Li (李形), Department of Politics and Society, University of Aalborg, Denmark

Topic 2: OBOR, Logistics, and Global Infrastructure: New World Order, the Game of Go and the Dispositif of Shi (勢)

Speaker 2: Joyce C.H. Liu (劉紀蕙), Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU

Topic 3: The Beginning of the New Weiqi (圍棋) Game? Chinese Regional Initiatives in the Developing World

Speaker 3: Richard Q. Turcsányi, Department of Asian Studies, Palacky University, Czech Republic


1:00pm: Lunch


2:00pm: Geopolitics, Socioeconomics and Culturologies

Chair: Derek Sheridan

Topic 1: Africa’s Place in China’s Spatial Fix: The Belt and Road Initiative and the Reproduction of Dependency

Speaker 1: Ian Taylor, School of International Relations, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Topic 2: Behind the Facade of B&R Generosity: Uncharitable Chinese, Ungrateful Africans

Speaker 2: Chu Yuan-horng (朱元鴻), Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU

Topic 3: The Dark Side of Sino-Burmese Cooperation in the Advent of Belt and Road Initiative

Speaker 3: Kristina Kironská, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, Slovakia


5:15pm: Summary Discussion Moving Forward


活動報名網址:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZd-u1lMAP78AmcVVbvl7cCu42t0Qw92Vggmrl12JreJcnhQ/viewform




*中英文演講 (English and Chinese Lectures)

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