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moreLe philosophe renversé: et autres essais
Publication Date|2021-10-01
Authors|Alain Brossat
Press|National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
“The philosophers return restlessly to the site of blackout or collapse,
yet accidentally draw the history of philosophy to the history of the body, to the unintelligible….”
“All these cross-cultural case studies of “de-subjective” experiences deserve the interrogation and investigation of contemporary philosophy. The Philosopher Tumbled, in terms of the inspiration and expectation it provokes, is perhaps an appetizer. Nonetheless, once the disappointment at the ignorance, indolence, and nearly blankness of contemporary philosophy on such issues is considered, the title of the volume might become an implicit sarcasm…”
——from Preface written by Chu, Yuan-Horng
Through the experiences of philosophers’ tumbles, in the present volume, Alain Brossat scrutinizes the challenge of facing uncertainty and being disoriented, reflecting the cultural bifurcation and the cross-cultural potentials and limits. He keeps cautious about the moral coding of the “progress” and its potential fascist inclination, and also criticizes populism and the leftist populists. Brossat diagnoses the contemporary cultural, political, and social issues with the philosophical concepts of Rousseau, Foucault, and Deleuze. This is a book good at setting up the context, pleasant to read, and yet with its subversive perspectives.
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