Webinar Conversation 1: Refugee Advocacy and Engagement Through The Arts
A conversation with Mahi Ramakrishnan and Saleh Sepas, co-directors of the 2020 Refugee Festival in Malaysia, discussing the role of the arts for advocacy and engagement. Moderated by Dr. Rusaslina Idrus, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 27 August 2020.
This webinar is part of series focusing on issues concerning refugees in Malaysia by looking beyond the framing of refugees as beneficiaries but exploring the agency of refugees as active participants in advocating and mobilising for their rights and livelihood.
This webinar is an activity under the the CHCI Global Humanities Institute 2020-2021: Migration, Global Logistics and Unequal Citizenship prepared by the Malaysian Research Team. For more information on the Global Institute: http://ghi2020.blog.nctu.edu.tw/
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