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ICCS WPS44 Women Made Of Steel: Organizing and Creative Work in the US and Taiwan

Author/Speaker|Valerie Soe

Publication Date|2023-05


This working paper looks at the connections between creative production by and about migrant worker organizers in Taiwan and my work with the Auntie Sewing Squad in the US. The findings are a result of preliminary research conducted in April 2022 in Taipei and are part of a larger project or projects that are ongoing. The output will be a documentary film or films.
Author's Bio
Professor Valerie Soe is a filmmaker, installation and video artist, and scholar of Asian American studies. Beginning with her undergraduate experimental video “ALL ORIENTALS LOOK THE SAME” (1986), her works have consistently received international recognition, winning dozens of awards worldwide. Currently based at the San Francisco State University Department of Asian American Studies, she writes and teaches on Asian American film, art, and media production, with research interests spanning issues of gender, art and activism, and transnational and diasporic perspectives. Along with an extensive list of publications on these topics, she is also the author of the blog beyondasiaphilia.com, which explores Asian American art, culture, and activism.


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