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文化研究國際中心 博士後研究員(2019/3-)



協助規劃國際鏈結,協助規劃2023 ACS Institute;主導組織Transit Asia Research Network上工作坊;參與子計畫六,執行個人計畫:「戰後亞際劇場的知識狀況與實踐: 冷戰紅利與其不滿」






2023-, Transit Asia Research Network (TARN), 執行專員。
2019-2022, CHCI-Global Humanities Institutes ”Migrant Workers, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context” 跨國計畫執行長。(Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes與Andrew W. Mellon Foundation獎助美金18萬元。)
2014-2017,《文化研究》(THCI & TSSCI)執行編輯




個人研究計畫探究二戰後冷戰邏輯的全球性部署如何在機構與認知的層次上持續影響亞際劇場發展的思想、實踐與其轉化。一方面,透過「臨界點」劇團作品與田啟元的美學操作,討論戒嚴與冷戰的文藝體制中,劇場知識反思的路徑;另一方面,參照包姆(Christopher Balme)所提出「冷戰全球化」的劇場史觀點,討論「機構層疊」(Institutional Imbrications)與「認識共同體」(Epistemic Communities)作為物質與思維層次的文化冷戰對劇場知識與實踐的影響,並分析格羅托夫斯基(Jerzy Grotowski)為後解嚴臺灣劇場、乃至於亞洲「南方」劇場帶來身體與文化轉向的論述構成。本計畫以思想史的角度探討戰後亞際劇場知識體系,進以回應在地的去冷戰與解殖的知識工作。


「戰後亞際劇場的知識狀況與實踐: 冷戰紅利與其不滿」



Ko-Lun Chen is Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Center of Cultural Studies (2019-now), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan and Network Manager of Transit Asia Research Network (TARN). Ko-Lun Chen received his Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. His research interests focus on the intellectual history of the Inter-Asia Modern Theatre under the influence of Colonisation, the Cold War, the Martial Law Regime, and Globalisation. His academic articles and translations published in CULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, and ROUTER: A JOURNAL OF CULTURAL STUDIES. He is also the co-translator of Jacques Rancière’s La Mésentente: Politique et philosophie.(French to Chinese).


2018, PhD in Cultural Studies, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Dissertation:Politics of the End of Martial Law Period and Cold War Aesthetics: Retreating the Discourses and the Practices of Taiwan's Little Theatre Movement (1986-1996)
2011, Border, Displacement and Creation: Questioning the Contemporary, Summer Research Institute in Faculty of Arts & Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, Portugal.
2007, Culture & Politics: Summer Research Institute in Chilhac”, Chilhac, France.
2006-2008, Master en route PhD, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
2002-2005, BA, Department of English Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
2000, Curso Internacional, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
1997-2002, Associate Degree, Department of Spanish, Wenzao Ursuline University of Language


2019- Global Humanities Institutes Project Officer (Migrant Workers, Global Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context), Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes.
2019- Postdoctoral fellow, International Center of Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.


2011-2012, Editorial Board of the Special Column, CULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLY
2012, Committee Board, Culture as the Critical Theory (international conference), Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2012/09/30-10/01
2012, Committee Board, Marxisms in East Asia (international conference), National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2012/06/06-06/09


2006-2014, R.A. (Research Assistant), Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University


2011, Excellent research paper (inside the Institute): “Re-thinking Liu-Xu’s [柳絮] Radicalism and the political ” (in Chinese)
2010, Excellent research paper (inside the Institute): “Preliminary on the Anarchists in Taiwan from the 20s to the 30s, or the Index to Radicalize the Political” (in Chinese)
2009, Excellent research paper (inside the Institute): “The Fringe Theatre in Taiwan from 1985-1995: Aesthetic Touring or Aesthesis De-touring?” (in Chinese)
2009, Excellent research paper (inside the Institute): “Preliminary on the Function of Speech as Politics: Logos, Politikos and Agathos, Polis”
  (in Chinese)
2008, PhD Scholarship (ATU), College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
2007, Zhu Shunyi [朱順一] Zyxel Academic Excellence Award
2007, Excellent research paper (inside the Institute): “Vexata: Ethics Demands Freedom, or, Free Thinking of Ethics” (in Chinese)
2005, Academic Achievement Award, Master Program, Graduate Institute for Foreign Literatures & Linguistics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan



2018, Politics of the End of Martial Law Period and Cold War Aesthetics: Retreating the Discourses and the Practices of Taiwan's Little Theatre Movement (1986-1996) (Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.)

Conference Papers Presented

2012, "The Stake of Aesthetic Regime: Contradiction and Creation," presented at The Tradition of Dialectics: the East and the West, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2012/11/27-11/28。
2011, “The Place of Resistance during the late 80s’ Fringe Theatre of Taiwan, ” presented at Border, Displacement and Creation: Questioning the Contemporary, Faculty of Arts & Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto. Portugal. 2011/8/29-9/04.
2009, Taiwan's Little Theatre Movement form 1985-1995: the Aesthetic tour or the Sensible Detour, presented at 第二十九屆以文會(譯文會)研究會》, Nagano, Japan, 2009/7/3-7/5。
2009, “Between Reason and Speech: Questions on Political Rationality, or Preliminary on the Forces,” presented at Biopolitics, Ethics, and Subjectivation: Questions on Modernity, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. 2009/6/24-6/28.
2007, “Assign to the Limit: Black Fulguration and Ashes of Fringe Theatre in Taiwan, 1985~1995” Panel Organizer & presented at Culture & Politics: Summer Research Institute, Chilhac, France. 2007/9/02-9/08.
2007, ”Un-working Inclination: An Open Identity in Murakami Haruki's A Wild Sheep Chase”, presented at The Eleventh Asian Studies Conference Japan, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. 2007/06/23-06/24.
2006, “Wandering on the Borderline: From the Mechanism of Abjection to the Writing of the Abject in Iwai Shunji’s Picnic, presented at The third Graduate Student's Conference: Psychoanalysis, Gender and Visual Culture, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2006/5/27.

Forums and Roundtables

2014, "A Dance Floor of Coactivity and the Backstage Time, " presented at Inter-Asia Forum of the Biennale: Factory Squad, also the organizer of the forum, Taipei, 2014/10/12。
2014, "Seminar on Alain Badiou, presenter and moderator, Taipei, 2014/09/27。
2012, "Body: Politics and Governmentality", presented at Ewam Lin: Documenta, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, 2012/12/26。
2012, " Taiwan Leftist Movement: History and Contemporary Contexts ", organizer and moderator, Marxisms in East Asia, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2012/06/06-06/09。
2012, "Do We Need Critical Curation? Our Difficulties, " Osmosis: International Workshop: Cultural Production and Artistic Curation, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, 2012/4/16。
2011, Forum Speaker, The Sensible, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, 2011/12/17。
2011, Forum Speaker, Trans-Plex: Weaving Platform, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, 2011/03/12。
2009, Forum Speaker and Organizer, Vis-a-vis Rancière: a seminar on Jacques Rancière’s thoughts and works, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, 2009/11/20。
2009, "The People Nowadays: Introduction to Démocratie ou consensus, presented at Seminar on J. Rancière, Taipei Campus, National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, 2009/10/31-11/01。


2014, Report:"On the Production Line: Note on Inter-Asia Forum of the Biennale: Factory Squad," in Artforum https://artforum.com.cn/diary/7053# (2014/10/23)。
2012,Symposium:" Vis-a-vis Rancière: a seminar on Jacques Rancière’s thoughts and works, " in Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies(THCI & TSSCI), 15: 368-385.
2013, Review Article:"On NG Romance, or the Flesh of Globalization: How to Weave a Front of Resistance, " in Artist Magazine, 2013 Dec: 406-432.
2012, Review Article: "Un-homely dis-tance: On Nowhere Near," in DM of MOVE Theatre's Nowhere Near, http://nowhere-near.blogspot.tw/2012/11/06_19.html.
2012, Review Article: "On Apocalyptic Image of Bela Tarr's The Turin Horse , " in Mot Times, http://www.mottimes.com/cht/article_detail.php?type=2&serial=83 (2012/01)
2007, Research Article: " Vexata: Ethics Demands Freedom, or, Free Thinking of Ethics, " in Cultural Studies Quarterly, http://hermes.hrc.ntu.edu.tw/csa/journal/72/park_72.htm (2007/09/25).
2006, Research Article: " The political or the theatrical: Retreating the political theatre in Taiwan's Little Theatre Movement at the end of the 80s," in Cultural Studies Quarterly, http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~csa/journal/61/park_61.htm (2006/10/25) 重探—八零年代末期,台灣「政治劇場」〉,2006 年 10 月 25 日


2011, 2015,《歧义: 政治与哲学》(Jacques Rancière’s La Mésentente: Politique et philosophie.), Jacques Rancière. Co-translators with Joyce C.H. Liu, Su Fen Lin, Hsi-Ping Schive and Ko Lun Chen (French to Chinese). Translator in charge of the chapter: " Démocratie ou consensus ." Author of the postscript: "Democracy/Post-democracy and Consensus." Published by Taipei: Rye Field 2011 (Traditional Chinese version) and Xi'an: Northwest U Press 2015 (Simplified Chinese version).
2012,"A Review of Jean-Luc Nancy’s On the Commerce of Thinking: Of Books and Bookstores" Jon Solomon, Co-translators with Jon Solomon and Ko Lun Chen (English to Chinese), in Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies(THCI & TSSCI), 15: 498-515
2012, "The Politics of fiction, " Jacques Rancière, Trans. Ko Lun Chen (English to Chinese), in Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies(THCI & TSSCI), 15: 368-385


2011, Organizer and Lecturer, The Inquiry of the Cultural Production: The place of initiation, National Chiao-Tung University
2009, TA (Teaching Assistant) of “Seminar on Aristotle’s Politics”, Spring Course, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University
2009, TA (Teaching Assistant) of “East Asian Modernity: Politics and Ethics”, Fall Course, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University
2008, TA (Teaching Assitant) of “Lacan: Subject and Language”, Fall Course, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University
2006, TA (Teaching Assitant) of “Modernity in Asia: Ethics and Aesthetics”, Fall Course, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao-Tung University


2012-2013, Curatorial Manager, Versammeln pottery workshop, No. 62-5, Sec. 2, Kaifeng St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Tel: +886-2-2388 5218。
2003, Translator, Business Document ISO 9001 of B. Braun Taiwan Co., Ltd. (Spanish to English for 500 pages)