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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期




The Project

The “Conflict, Justice, and Decolonization: Critical Studies of Inter-Asian Society” (CJD) project is the brainchild of the graduate students of the International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS) and the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies (SRCS), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). Launched in 2018, the project was envisioned as a platform that will encourage graduate students to participate in different collaborative academic projects under the general theme of Conflict, Justice, and Decolonization. The project continues to contribute to raising awareness on many relevant issues through research-based publications. Thus far, around 70 articles that cover various topics have been published. An archive with links to distinguished websites relevant to student’s work has also been built.

The Team

The success of the CJD project can be attributed to its ethnically and culturally diverse team members and contributors. The core team, composed of doctoral students from NCTU-SRCS, produces outputs that feature different historical, socio-cultural, economic, and political issues from various countries on a regular basis. They also take the lead in managing and maintaining the platform.

The project also has several contributors from NCTU and other universities. Contributions of graduate students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Palestine, South Africa, Spain, Belgium, Poland, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan make possible the exchange of knowledge and experiences among international and local students outside the confines of the classroom.



Name Katarzyna Szpargala
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email szpargala9@gmail.com
Research Interests Feminism in East Asia, South Korean cultural diplomacy, animal rights
Name Lan-Hanh Nguyen
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email nguyenlanhanh22@gmail.com
Research Interests Identity, ideology, depiction of femininity in the media (advertisements), globalization
Name Lungani Hlongwa
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email lungani.srcs08g@nctu.edu.tw
Research Interests Maritime geopolitics, military strategy and technology management
Name LI Qi
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email iliqi1994@gmail.com
Research Interests Zone studies, urban-rural relation, land reform, economic democracy practice
Name Fernan Talamayan
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email ftalamayan.srcs07g@nctu.edu.tw
Research Interests Digital media, big data and software design, governmentality, populism, nationalism, geopolitics
















Name Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email juanalbertocasado@gmail.com
Research Interests Populism, nationalism, independence movements, social media and politics, culture of peace
Name Nguyen Thi Trang
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email nguyenthitrang91tq@gmail.com
Research Interests Colonialism, Indochina, governmentality, logistics, biopolitics, labor, and migration
Name Feeza Vasudeva
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email fizavasudeva@gmail.com
Research Interests Episodes of lynching against particular communities (Muslims and Dalits) in India and how these exemplify crises of democracy, relationship between collective violence and democracy and state-society relations
Name Hazem Almassry
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email hazem68@hotmail.com
Research Interests Social justice and social movements
















Name Poonam Sharma
Department Ph.D. SRCS graduate
Email punnu16@gmail.com
Research Interests Migration studies in Asia, Border politics, Unequal citizens and citizenship rights, contemporary thoughts and practices, Critical Theory, Postcolonial Studies, gender inequality in India, social and religious issues.
Name Monika Verma
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email moniletit@gmail.com
Research Interests Migration studies, refugee studies, border politics, International
Relations, defence and strategic studies, unequal citizenship and human rights
















Name Lin Shih Chun
Department Ph.D. SRCS student
Email maumauchun@gmail.com
Research Interests Modernity, the philosophy and history of colonization, the Baihua movement in China and the violence of Frantz Fanon
Name WANG Min-Erh
Department Ph.D. student (Faculty of Music, University of Oxford)
Email cellosamwang@gmail.com
Research Interests Cold War music history, global music history, postcolonialism
Name YIN Shuhong
Department Ph.D. candidate (University of Chinese Academy of Social Science)
Email 1241757979@qq.com
Research Interests Taiwanese intellectuals in 1970s-1980s America
Name KIM Jeong-a
Department Lecturer (Philo Academy, Seoul, South Korea)
Email bellajeonga@gmail.com
Research Interests Foucault, North Korea
Name CHU Chia-Chen
Department MA student (National Taiwan University)
Email r07322018@ntu.edu.tw
Research Interests Modern Political Philosophy
Name LEE Cheng Hoe
Department MA student (National Taiwan University)
Email langxici@gmail.com
Research Interests Ethnic politics and political parties in Malaysia
Name Noorah Fazal Jukaku
Department MA IACS student
Email noora.jukaku@gmail.com
Research Interests Vigilantism, religious fanaticism, Orientalism, Islamic law
Name Hadeel Natsheh
Department MA SRCS student
Email Hadeelnatsheh28@gmail.com
Research Interests Unequel citizens and citizenship, gender, border politics, education and learning, life course
Name Ip Po Yee
Department MA SRCS student
Email ippoyeelol@gmail.com
Research Interests Literature, film and media studies, art and cultural activism, social movements, intellectual history
Name Christine Chow
Department MA SRCS student
Email iesofcmk@gmail.com
Research Interests Literature, film studies, social justice, land movements
















Name Duong Thuy Pham
Department MA SRCS student
Email duongpham.alexandra@gmail.com
Research Interests Gender equity, LGBT rights, diasporic feminism, civil society in Vietnam
















Name Hanne Van Regemortel
Department MA IACS student
Email hanne07@hotmail.be
Research Interests Migration, refugees, discrimination, minorities, radicalization, decolonization
















Name Zikri Rahman
Department MA SRCS student
Email zikrirahman.90@gmail.com
Research Interests Social movements, history of ideas, contemporary thoughts, critical theory, subaltern studies, postcolonial studies, critical geography, socio-cultural practices, education
















Name Jonathan Parhusip
Department MA SRCS student
Email joeklins@gmail.com
Research Interests Migration, Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan, border politics, international fisherman, third world and Indonesia studies
















Name Beh Zhao Yen
Department MA SRCS student
Email zyen93311@gmail.com
Research Interests Freedom of media and expression in Malaysia
















Name Lim Jian Xing (Raymond)
Department MA Student IACS
Email raymond4rock@gmail.com
Research Interests Migration, Indie/underground music scene, cultural movements, Social Movement, Ethnic/National Identity
















Name Lee Chun Fung
Department MA IACS student
Email iamlooking@gmail.com
Research Interests Art and cultural activism, critical urban practice, urban neighbourhood movement, autonomous self-organization, social economy, dialogical aesthetics, inter-local knowledge production, social curating
















Name Anboli Elangovan
Department MA IACS student
Email anbolee@gmail.com
Research Interests People Science movement in India,social media and politics, Agriculture sustainability.