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文化研究國際中心 博士後研究員(2020/8-2023/7)



主編國際訪問學者的論文集翻譯及出版—Walter MIgnolo 《解殖》(2021);協助規劃國際會議,主導2023 ACS Institute的執行;參與子計畫五,執行個人計畫:「第三世界/全球南方」自冷戰到後冷戰的論述形構及其轉變


國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所 博士












Education 學歷

2017 Ph.D., Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan國立交通大學社會與文化研究所博士
2009 M.A., Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
2002 B.S., Information Systems, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA.

Resear ch Ar eas 專長領域

Critical Theory, Postcolonial and Decolonial Theory, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Contemporary Art inTaiwan, East Asia and Southeast Asia

Work Experience 工作經歷

2018/06 – 2018/09 Postdoctoral Researcher, Taipei National University of the Arts
國立臺北藝術大學 博士後研究員
2017/04 – 2018/06 Postdoctoral Researcher, International Institute for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University
國立交通大學文化研究國際中心 博士後研究員
2014/09 – 2015/01 Lecturer, National Chiao Tung University
國立交通大學社會與文化研究所 兼任講師
2011/09 – 2012/06 Teaching Assistant, Center for General Education, National Chiao Tung University國立交通大學通識中心 教學助理
2009/09 – 2015/06 Research Assistant, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University
國立交通大學社會與文化研究所 研究助理
2006/05 – 2009/09 Freelance Translator
2003/02 – 2006/05 Technical Writer, BenQ Corp. 明基電通 技術編輯

Academic Service 學術服務

Peer Reviewer for ROUTER: A Journal of Cultural Studies (文化研究期刊)

Publications 著作

Journal Articles 期刊論文

1. “Okwui Enwezor: Global Curation and Its Paradigm Shift” (奧奎.恩威佐:全球策展與典範轉移), ROUTER: A Journal of Cultural Studies (文化研究), Vol. 30, Spring 2020, pp 150-159.
2. “Politics of the Plebs: From Cultural Decolonization to Chen Chieh-Jen’s Artistic Production”(鄙民的政治:從文化解殖到陳界仁的感性生產), Chung Wai Literary Quarterly (中外文學) 48.1, 2019: 47-86.
3. “The National Image in Asian Animism: SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2014” (亞洲泛靈異響中的國族圖示:韓國媒體城市首爾雙年展 2014), ROUTER: A Journal of Cultural Studies(文化研究), Vol. 20, Spring 2015, pp 260-269.
4. “A Review of Catherine Malabou’s Ontologie de L’accident: Essai sur la plasticité destructrice” (評介凱薩琳.瑪拉布《意外的本體論》), ROUTER: A Journal of Cultural Studies (文化研究), Vol. 16, Spring 2013, pp 220-225.
5. “The Affect in New Media Age: Planking, Flashmobbing and Revolution” (新媒體時代的微動力:仆街、快閃與革命), Interlocution: University and Social Engagement (跨界:大學與社會參與) Vol. 1, June, 2012 (Online Journal). Ph.D.

Dissertation 博士論文

Politics of the Plebs: From Cultural Decolonization to Chen Chieh-Jen’s Artistic Production

Review 評論 (展覽、電影、書評)

1. “The will of Trans” (穿越的意志:測度一個重力不均的系統), Trans-Justice: Para-Colonial Exhibition Catalogue Essays, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (台北當代藝術館) 2019.
2. “Reproducing Hong Kong: From Kyee-Sum Lu’s Lazy Hazy Crazy to Pang Ho-Cheung’s Vernacular Culture,” (重新製造香港:從陸以心《同班同學》到彭浩翔的通俗文化生產), FaFilmAppreciation Journal (Fa 電影欣賞季刊), Issue 166-167, 2016.
3. “Cahiers du Cinéma: Battle of Cinematic Thought” (電影筆記:視電影為思想戰鬥),Azothbooks (漫遊者文化)(https://www.azothbooks.com/archives/11857).
4. “Things without Words,” After the Time After: Reflections on Jacques Rancière on Béla Tarr, Lumen Journal. Edited by Edwin Mak & Matthew Flanagan, 2015.

Interview 訪談

Taiwan’s Poetry Now, Hsia Yü et al., co-interview with Dylan Suher(〈現在詩〉夏宇等人訪談), Asymptote Journal, Issue April, 2012.

Confer ence Papers 研討會論文

1. “Affect, History, Politics of Aesthetics,” SRCS/UTCP Student Workshop, Transnational Network for Critical Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, June 2015.
2. “Plasticity of Dialectics,” Tradition of Dialectics: East and West, Shanghai, East China Normal University, China, November 2012.
3. “Being bête and being after bête: Derrida’s aesthetic mode of animality,” 3rd Derrida TodayConference, UC Irvine, USA., July 2012.
4. “The Affect in New Media Age: Planking, Flashmobbing and Revolution,” We People ontheFallow Earth? The Thirteen Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies Association (蕪土吾民:文化研究會議), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Jan 2012.
5. “From Metaphor to Metamorphosis: What is Creation in the Contemporary World?” Borders, Displacement and Creation – Questioning the Contemporary, University of Porto, Portugal, August 2011.
6. “On Supplementarity: Human, Machine, and Otherness,” Zoontotechnics (Animality/Technicity) Conference, Cardiff University, UK., May 2010.

Panel Discussion 會議與談

1. Walter Mignolo, “The Myth and Promises of Sustainable Development” (文化研究國際中心傑出學者年度講座), Panel discussant, International Institute for Culture Studies, Hsinchu, April 2017.
2. Inter-Asia Biennial Forum: Production Art (亞際雙年展論壇:生產藝術), Panel discussant, Taipei, Oct 2014.
3. Collège International de Philosophie, film Right to Philosophy, Post-screening discussant, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Oct 2012.

Resear ch Gr ants 研究獎助

1. MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) Humanities and Social Science PhDResearchGrant (台灣科技部獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文), 2014
2. MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) Travel Grant for International Conference (台灣科技部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議), 2012.
3. MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) Travel Grant for International Conference (台灣科技部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議), 2011.

Confer ence and Workshop Organized 會議與工作坊籌劃執行

1. Toward Decolonizing Cold War Knowledge: Facing Contemporary Border Politics (FlyingUniversity of Transnational Humanities), National Chiao Tung University, July 2018.
2. Artistic Intervention and Social Critique: A Dialogue in the Inter-Asian Context (藝術介入與社會批判:亞際知識對話), National Chiao Tung University, Dec 2017.
3. Conflict, Justice and Decolonization: Paradigm Shift of the Colonial-Imperial Order and the Aporia of Human Sciences, May 31 – June 03 2017, National Chiao Tung University.

Languages 語言能力

Mandarin (Native Speaker), English (highly proficient), French (Reading Competency)