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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期



文化研究國際中心 博士後研究員(2021/7-2022/6)



參與子計畫五社會介入與環境正義的新興研究群「多物種民族誌研究」,規劃環境正義跨國工作坊;協助規劃國際會議2023 ACS Institute;執行個人計畫:「生命平等」:以台灣的動物保護運動為例的多物種民族誌研究。


2019     美國杜克大學亞洲宗教研究博士
2016    美國杜克大學宗教研究碩士
2013    美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校亞洲研究碩士
2006    名古屋大學社會基盤工學研究科碩士
2002    内布拉斯加大学林肯分校文理學院學士(主修為日本語言文化學、心理學、國際關係、經濟)


“Equality of Life: Thinking with Multi-Species Relationships in Taiwan” [生命平等:以台灣多物種關係思考]


2021-     國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心博士後研究員
2020-2021    崑山杜克大學杜克大學-崑山杜克大學全球學者項目客座講師
2006-2011    伊尔姆(ERM)環境資源管理助理/副工程師




倪杰(Jeffrey Nicolaisen)採用佛教與台灣的各種教義來重新思考台灣的動物保護運動有關的人類與非人類網絡中多物種交互相關的能動性與倫理。他以帶有佛教精神的動物保護組織「關懷生命協會」為對象的多物種民族誌研究,探究漢人、原住民與非人類動物之間的互相關係。倪杰將繼續完善其在博士期間的研究,該研究發現:(1)在生態保護公開言談方面受台灣宗教法律上的政治影響佛教受到限制;以及(2)適用於一切有知覺的生命的「生命平等」概念與基於歐洲的政治及環境理論的國際人權與環境保育法是不可通約的。與此同時,倪杰也將推進另一項研究計劃,專注於在台灣的包含人類、狗及猴子的多物種社群中的非人類動物主體性,其目的是整合進化人類學的動物行為學的研究方法與文化人類學的民族誌研究方法。倪杰已經對兩個台灣個案進行了田野調查,包含新的動物收容所零撲殺法律以及猴子與果農之間的衝突。







(4)協助規劃國際會議2023 ACS Institute;



2019 Ph.D. Asian Religions, Duke University. Dissertation Title: “Equality of Life: Thinking with Multi-Species Relationships in Taiwan” Advisor Name: Hwansoo Kim
2016 M.A. Religious Studies. Duke University.
2013 M.A. Asian Studies. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2006 M.Eng. Civil Engineering. Nagoya University.
2002 B.A. Japanese Language and Area Studies, Psychology, International Affairs, Economics. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


2021-present Ministry of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2020-2021 Visiting Instructor, Duke-DKU Global Fellows Program, Duke Kunshan University


Edited Special Issues

2020 “Trans-species Listening and Rights of Nature: Legal Persons beyond the Human.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Study of Literature and Environment with coeditors Prasenjit Duara and Ambika Aiyadurai. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 27, no. 3.

Journal Articles

2020 Nicolaisen, Jeffrey. “Protecting Life in Taiwan: Can the Rights of Nature Protect All Sentient Beings?” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 27, no. 3: 613–32.
2020 Duara, Prasenjit, Ambika Aiyadurai, and Jeffrey Nicolaisen. “Trans-species Listening and the Rights of Nature: Legal Persons beyond the Human.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Study of Literature and Environment 27, no. 3: 554–562.
2007 Nicolaisen, J.E., J.E. Gilley, B. Eghball, and D.B. Marx. “Crop Residue Effects on Runoff Nutrient Concentrations Following Manure Application.” Transactions of the ASABE. 50(3): 939-944.

Book Chapters

2021 Nicolaisen, Jeffrey. 2021. “Rethinking Ontology with Equality of Life.” In Chinese Environmental Ethics, edited by Mayfair Yang, 35-68. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 2019 Nicolaisen, Jeffrey.
2019. "The Intersection of Sentient Beings and Species, Traditional and Modern, in the Practices and Doctrine of Dharma Drum Mountain." In Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins, edited by Chiaju Chang, 289-308. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18634-0_13.


2019 Shih, Chao-hwei. 2019. "An Exposition of the Buddhist Philosophy of Protecting Life and Animal Protection." Translated by Jeffrey Nicolaisen. In Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins, edited by Chiaju Chang, 309-330. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18634-0_14.

Manuscripts in Submission

Nicolaisen, Jeffrey. “Adaptive Interdependence in the Galluscene: Rethinking the Anthropocene.” Revising for resubmission to ISLE: Interdisciplinary Study of Literature and Environment or submission to Anthropocene. Nicolaisen, Jeffrey. “How to Calculate Suffering When There is No Self.” In Buddhism and Animal Ethics, edited by Geoff Barstow and Bronwyn Finnigan.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Equality of Life: A Multi-Species Alternative to Human Equality in Contemporary Taiwan. Preparing manuscript for Columbia University Press.


2021-2023 Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) International Postdoctoral Fellowship | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2021 Center for the Study of Contemporary China Undergraduate Research Fund | Duke Kunshan University
2021 Undergraduate Summer Research Scholars Program | Duke Kunshan University
2021 Humanities Research Center Small Events | Duke Kunshan University
2020-2021 Duke-DKU Global Fellowship| Duke Kunshan University
2018-2019 The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Duke University
2018 Bass Instructional Fellowship: Instructor of Record | Duke University
2018 Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Fellowship | Duke University
2017-2018 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship | Duke University
2016-2018 Duke Global Asia Initiative Seed Grant (co-PI) | Duke University
2016 Chung-Hwa Fellowship for Graduate Students | Duke University
2016 Gurney Harriss Kearns Foundation Summer Research Fellowship | Duke University
2014 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship | Duke University
2013 Critical Language Scholarship | University of Illinois
2013-2017 James B. Duke Fellowship | Duke University
2013 Graduate School Fellowship (declined) | University of Southern California
2012-2013 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship | University of Illinois
2011-2012 East Asian Languages and Cultures Departmental Fellowship | University of Illinois
2011 Mellon Fellowship (declined) | University of Michigan
2005 American Society of Civil Engineers Freeman Fellowship | Nagoya University
2002-2006 Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship | Nagoya University


2021 “Inequality of Equalities: The Taiwanese Buddhist Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Taiwan’s Indigenous People.” University of Virginia East Asia Center, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 8. (online presentation)
2017 “Buddhist Environmental Ethics.” Dharma Drum Institute of the Liberal Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan, June 13. (in Chinese)
2017 “Monkey-Human Relations in the Galluscene.” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, May 28. (in Chinese)
2016 “Religion and Politics.” National University of Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan, October 20. (in Chinese)


Panels Organized

2016 “Border Crossing Activism in the Asian Anthropocene.” AAS-in-Asia, Kyoto, Japan, June 24-27.

Papers Presented

2022 “Buddhist Multi-species Colonialism in Contemporary Taiwan: The Release of Life Ceremony, Hunting, and the Encounter with Indigenous People.” XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Congress, Seoul, Korea, August 14-19.
2021 “Adaptive Interdependence in the Galluscene: Rethinking the Anthropocene.” 19th International Symposium on the Theory and Practice of the Teachings of Dharma Master Yin Shun: Humanistic Buddhism and Globalization, Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 6-7.
2021 “Inequality of Equalities: The Taiwanese Buddhist Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Taiwan’s Indigenous People.” Center for World Austronesia and Indigenous Peoples Research Symposium, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 2.
2021 “Ecological Civilization and Its Discontents: China and Environmental Challenges in Global Asia.” Roundtable discussant. Association of Asian Studies, Virtual Annual Meeting, March 25-28.
2020 “Protecting Life in Taiwan: Can the Rights of Nature Protect all Sentient Beings?” American Academy of Religion, Virtual Annual Meeting, November 29-December 10.
2020 “Equality of Life: A Buddhist Teaching for an Ecological Civilization.” Summer Institute for Chinese Studies, University of Pittsburgh (online), June 1-4.
2019 “Equality of Life in the Mountains of Taiwan: The Present-Day Buddhist Colonial Encounter with Liberal Humanism and Taiwan’s Indigenous People.” American Academy of Religion, San Diego, California, November 23-26.
2018 “Equality of Life in Taiwan: An Ontology for Rights Beyond the Human.” Transspecies Listening and Rights of Nature: Legal Persons beyond the Human, Durham, North Carolina, October 5
2017 “Monkey-Human Relations in the Galluscene,” Environmental Humanities in Asia: Environmental Justice and Sustainable Citizenship, Kunshan, China, May 22- 24.
2017 “Sustainable Citizenship and the Taiwanese Canine: Who is Included in the Anthropocene Citizenry?” Duke Global Asia Initiative: Environmental Humanities for Sustainable Citizenship in Asia, Durham, North Carolina, January 22-23.
2016 “Buddhist Animal Welfare and Environmental Activism in Taiwan.” AAS-in-Asia, Kyoto, Japan, June 24-27.
2016 “Multi-Species Ethnography in Taiwanese Buddhism.” Altruism and Bodhisattva Thought/Fourteenth International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Master Yin-shun’s Thought. Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 28-29.
2016 “Buddhist Animal Welfare and Environmental Activism in Taiwan.” The Florida State University Department of Religion Graduate Student Symposium, Tallahassee, Florida, February 19-21.
2014 “Cultural Differences in the Reception of Master Sheng Yen’s Spiritual Environmentalism.” Ways of Knowing: Graduate Conference on Religion at Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 23-25.
2014 “Cows, Horses, and the Tale of Jōzon.” Association of Asian Studies Southeast Conference Annual Meeting, Durham, North Carolina, January 17-19.
2006 “Hydroponics experiments related to Phragmites japonica nutrient uptake.” Japan Society of Civil Engineers Central Japan Conference, Gifu, Japan, March. (in Japanese)


2021 “Spaces of Belonging and Exclusion, Mixed Neighborhood, Artistic Intervention: Session I.” Migration Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 26-30. (Online Summer Institute)


2019 “Water and Violence.” Rivers in the Anthropocene: Global Challenges and Local Responses, Kunshan, China, July 6-7.


Instructor of Record

2021 Environmental Ethics
2021 Know Thyself: The Practices and Challenges of Examining Your Own Mind
2021 Religion and Leadership
2020 Religious and Philosophical Thought on the Environment
2020 Modern Buddhism
2018 Religion and Science: Biology, Minds, and Souls

Teaching Assistant

2016 Religion and Culture in Korea
2015 Buddhism and Sexuality
2012, 2013 Introduction to Japanese Culture


2021-present Postdoctoral Researcher, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2020 Research Associate, Religious Studies, Duke University
2013-2014 Research Assistant, Religious Studies, Duke University
2011-2012 Research Assistant, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois
2000-2002 Biological Aid, National Phosphorus Project, United States Department of Agriculture


2016-2019 Duke Global Asia Initiative, Co-PI, “Environment and Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Study”
2012-2013 East Asian Languages and Cultures, Graduate Student Representative, University of Illinois
2013 Community of Urbana Cooperative Housing, Interim President, BoardRepresentative
2004-2006 Civil Engineering International Student Organization, Nagoya University
1999 Program Administrator, American Scandinavian Student Exchange International


2006-2011 Environmental Resources Management, Assistant/Associate Engineer


2020 Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Program, Duke Kunshan University
2020 Learning Innovation Fellowship, Duke Kunshan University
2013-2019 Certificate of College Teaching, Duke University
2013-2015 Responsible Conduct of Research, Duke University
2011 Graduate Academy for College Teaching, University of Illinois


English: native
Chinese: superior-level reading, writing, aural, and oral skills
Japanese: superior-level reading, writing, aural, and oral skills
Classical Chinese: proficient
Classical Japanese (bungo and kanbun): proficient


American Academy of Religion
Association of Asian Studies
Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
International Association for Buddhist Studies

Hwansoo Kim
Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies
Yale University
451 College Street, Room 310
New Haven, CT 06511
Prasenjit Duara
Oscar L. Tang Family Professor of East Asian Studies
History Department
Duke University
114 Campus Drive
226 Carr Building
Campus Box 90719
Durham, NC 27708-0719
Barbara Ambros
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Religious Studies
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
125C Carolina Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3225