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文化研究國際中心 博士後研究員(2020/8-2021/7)(2022/1-2023/7)



以科技部個人專題計畫參與中心子計畫四,執行個人計畫:當代南亞和東亞非正規/非法移民現象;邊境政治以及由現代民族國家控制的日益嚴重的社會政治不平等;協助規劃國際會議2023 ACS Institute。


Dr Poonam Sharma 浦南 博士 (Ph.D.) 國立陽明交通大學 台灣新竹




2013~2014: 研究助理 於國立清華大學教育中心 
2014~2015:  研究及教學助理 於國立清華大學教育中心 
2018 (1-12月): 計畫及研究助理 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心「衝突、正義,與解殖」研究計畫
2018: 計畫助理及共同作者 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心研究成果部落格http://iics.blog.nctu.edu.tw/the-impacts-of-colonial-british-raj-in-the-contemporary-indian-society/)
2020 (8月—至今): 編輯 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心工作論文系列Working Paper Series (ISSN 2707-2193).
2020 (8月—至今) : 博士後研究員 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心


當代南亞和東亞非正規/非法移民 “移民” 現象;未經授權的投票銀行,公民政策,邊境政治以及由現代民族國家控制的日益嚴重的社會政治不平等;後殖民理論,亞洲間文化研




子計畫 4: 海上的法外之地與法律的失能?外籍漁工及海洋管理的未來政策
主辦:國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心 日期:2021. 05. 26

Title: 孟加拉與尼泊爾移民在印度東北與西孟加拉的無形政治角色
主辦:國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心 日期:2021. 07. 26-30.

解殖在 21 世紀
主辦:文化研究協會 (ACS Institute, Association for Cultural Studies)

第二研究群: 邊緣人口、無國家的人們與移工們
主辦:國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心,及澳洲西雪梨大學文化與社會研究所(Institute for Cultural and Society, Western Sydney University, AUSTRALIA.) 日期: 2023. 01. 09-13




2018 (1-12月): 計畫及研究助理 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心「衝突、正義,與解殖」研究計畫
2018: 計畫助理及共同作者 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心研究成果部落格http://iics.blog.nctu.edu.tw/the-impacts-of-colonial-british-raj-in-the-contemporary-indian-society/)
2020 (8月—至今): 編輯 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心工作論文系列Working Paper Series (ISSN 2707-2193).
2020 (8月—至今) : 博士後研究員 於國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心


Dr. Poonam Sharma is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University. Her central research area focuses on the phenomenon of ‘migration ‘of migrants/illegal immigrants as ‘unauthorized’ vote banks in South-Asian nations. She is looking forward to work at the broader aspect of migration and citizenship politics in a comparative study of India, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. Her research area also covers the contemporary border politics and unequal socio-political policies regulated by modern nation-states.


Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the International Center for Cultural Studies - ICCS, R103 HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan


Ph.D., Institute of Social Research and cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C), (Class of 2019, Fall Semester)
Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (R.O.C), (Class of 2015, Fall Semester)
Bachelor of Arts, University of Delhi. New Delhi, India, (Class of 2012).


Upcoming: Journal article in the Special Issue titled: The Question of Legality vs. Illegality: International Migrant Labor and Unequal Citizens, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Routledge.
Chapter article titled: The Cross-Cultural Identity Formation of Migrants: The Case of the Nepali Migrants in Assam, India, in the handbook: Imagining the Possibilities of the University and the Civil Society from East Asia. Praxis of Coexistence in Cultural Diversity, Vol. 3, Tokyo: Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity (HIS), University of Tokyo, 2017.
Article titled: The Cross-cultural identity of Nepali Migrants in India for online platform, South’ Asia Watch, published on 23 December 2014; https://southasiawatch.tw/2014/12/23
Article titled: 英屬印度殖民史對當代印度的影響-The Impacts of Colonial British Raj in Contemporary India for the online platform of the International Centre for Cultural Studies (ICCS), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Published on 5 June, 2018; https://cjdproject.web.nycu.edu.tw/2018/06/05/the-impacts-of-colonial-british-raj-in-the-contemporary-indian-society/
Article titled: The ‘turmoil’ of internal migration in India during the Covid-19 for the online platform of the International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Published on 22 June, 2020; https://cjdproject.web.nycu.edu.tw/2020/06/22/the-turmoil-of-internal-migration-in-india-during-the-covid-19/


National Chiao Tung  University (Ph.D.): The Invisible Politicized Roles and Religious Disorganization of Bangladeshi and Nepali Migrants in West Bengal and North-east India.
National Tsing Hua University (Master): The Cross-Cultural Identity Formation of Migrants: The Case of the Nepali Migrants in Assam (India)


International Scholarship for Doctoral Candidate, sponsored by Ministry of Education (MOE), Government of Taiwan, (ROC) (2015-2019)
Outstanding Student Scholarship for PHD at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (2015~2016)
International student scholarship for Masters at National Tsing Hua university, Taiwan (2012- 2015)
Best Academic Student Award for scoring highest Grades for years 2010 and 2011(Bachelor’s degree at University of Delhi)
Awarded Masterpiece in Photography competition for foreigners sponsored by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (ROC), (2016)


2013~2014: Research Assistant in Center of Education, National Tsing Hua University Taiwan.
2014~2015: Research and Teaching Assistant in Center of Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
2018 (January-December): Project and Research Assistant under the Project titled: Conflict, Justice and Decolonization, at the International Center for Cultural Studies (ICCS), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
2018: Project Assistant and Contributor for the blog for the International Centre for Cultural Studies (ICCS), National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. https://cjdproject.web.nycu.edu.tw/2018/06/05/the-impacts-of-colonial-british-raj-in-the-contemporary-indian-society/


Presenter at the International Conference titled ‘Exploring New Rising Powers: First IndiaTaiwan Students Conference on India and China’. Paper titled: ‘How Migration Accelerates International Relations: India and Nepal’, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; 21-22 January, 2014.
Presenter at the ‘7th Southeast Asian Studies Symposium’ on the Invisible Politicized roles of Bangladeshis and Nepalis in India’s north-east region and West Bengal’, at University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 22-24 March 2018.
Presenter at the ‘Fall 2017 IACS Final Project Symposium’ on the Invisible Politicized roles of Nepali and Bangladeshi Migrants’, 25 December, 2017.
Guest Presenter on ‘India-Taiwan cultural Diversity: Living in two different cultures’ at Nanhua University in Chiayi County, Taiwan (ROC), 15th November, 2017.
Presenter at the Conference and Workshop Series - Praxis of Coexistence in Cultural Diversity: Volume 3’ titled ‘Imagining the Possibilities of the University and Civil Society from East Asia’, at University of Tokyo, Japan, on 8-11 September, 2016.
Presenter at the ‘Conflict, Justice and Decolonization- II: Lecture & Workshop Series’, at Institute of SRCS, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (ROC); 2-3 June, 2017.
Discussant at the (Conflict, Justice and Decolonization II), of the paper ‘The Myth and Promises of Sustainable Development’, presented by Professor Walter Mignolo, Duke University, USA, at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (ROC), 7 April, 2017.
Guest Speaker at the Center for Studies on South Asia and the Middle East, National Chung Hsing University, Seminar Series titled: India’s New Citizenship Law: A Policy to protecting refugees or undermining the secular foundations of democracy? 02, January, 2020.


Attendee: The Symposium on 2014 Indian General Election, Center for Asia Policy, National Tsing Hua University, May 28, 2014.
Attendee: Lecture by Carroll Smith-Rosenberg on ‘White Slaves/Black Revolutionaries, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, 20 November, 2019.
Attendee: Lecture by Abhijit Roy on ‘Media, Democracy and the State’ & Manash Ghosh on ‘City & Cinema: Calcutta Through the Lens of Satyajit Ray’, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, 16 November, 2019.
Attendee: The 2019 Association of International Relations (R.O.C.). Annual Meeting and Conference on “the Impact of Realism, Populism and Technology on the International Order”, Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Taipei, 30 November, 2019.


Part-time Chinese course from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan; April-June, 2014.


English (United Kingdom): Excellent
Hindi: Excellent
Chinese: Intermediate conversation
Bengali: Good
Nepalese: Excellent
Assamese: Excellent