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滾筒轉動時:自印者群像論壇 When Printing Rollers Spin: Portraits of Self-Publishers

2024-05-18 - 2024-05-28

簡妙如 Miao-Ju Jian、郭達年 Lenny Kwok、陳逸飛 Yi-Fei Chen、子杰 June Lee


👯👯‍♂️Hybrid event. Please register to obtain the meeting link. 🔗
⏰時間 Time: May 24, 2024 (Fri) 14:30-17:30
🏫地點 Venue: 國立陽明交通大學新竹校區人社三館102室 | Room 102, HSS Building 3, Hsinchu Campus, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
🧑‍🎨講者 Speakers: 簡妙如 Miao-Ju Jian | 郭達年 Lenny Kwok | 陳逸飛 Yi-Fei Chen | 子杰 June Lee
👨‍💻主持人 Moderator: 梁匡哲 Matthew Leung
🆎講座語言 Language: 中文 Mandarin Chinese (simultaneous interpretation from Chinese to English)
🔗報名連結 Registration Link:https://forms.gle/EaSsJcLPedvvDKox6
主辦單位 Organizers:
國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心 International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Conflict, Justice, Decolonization: Critical Studies of Inter-Asian Societies 衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究計劃
散颼颼:自出版學生研究小組 Saansausau: Student Research Group on Self-publising
海報設計 Poster Design: 印刻部小龐 Print & Carve Dept. Pong
📌講座簡介 Abstract
When the printmaking rollers spin, what is going through the minds of those operating the rollers?
As life itself is a political endeavor and the editing process a form of activism, self-taught publishers find themselves treading a narrow path, much like a flame flickering in the darkness of the night. Although they may not always be in sync with the zeitgeist, they are, nonetheless, significant undercurrents in forming communities, experimenting, and connecting with others./Despite being out of step with the times, they invariably leave an indelible mark.
Our forum cordially invites self-publishers and researchers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, to engage in a comprehensive review of the historical paths of self-publishing. Our primary focus will be on the affective structure, changes in technological infrastructures, and historical events that have co-configured self-publishing practices. Our discussions will transform the scattered footprints into a cohesive map and create historical dialogues and mutual reference for self-publishing practices.
As the printers roar to life once again, we urge you to take a backward glance, flip through the zines, and formulate knowledge alternatively.

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