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2024-05-25 - 2024-06-15



日期:2024.05.25 — 2024.06.09,週三至日,2pm – 8pm


策劃 :散颼颼



企劃/主辦 |散颼颼



贊助 |國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心

saansausau documenta — Airing Paper (offline): Rise of Self-publishing Waves

Airing paper, a technical term in the printing industry, refers to a procedure of paper moisture conditioning to restore its nature and resilience, where paper lies flat in a ventilated space. Offline indicates the decentralized mode of production combining mechanical printing and craftsmanship in the course of zine making, unlike the capital-intensive in-line production in print capitalism. The term further connotes the spontaneous, autonomous, and ambiguous self-printing movement, prompting a dialogue with contemporary cultural production in terms of calculation self-interest (jixin), machinery (jiqi), and institutions (jizhi).

While digital fatigue seeps into our contemporary life, (offline) serves as a visual index of disconnection from computer networks. By revisiting the self-publishing movement, Airing Paper (offline) sheds light on the potentiality of the analog, tactile, and embodied medium, which is seemingly out-of-date. Further seen in a dialectic of movement and stillness, the act of airing implies an undercurrent of social transformation waiting in the wings.

Airing Paper (offline): Rise of Self-publishing Waves offers a contour of the self-publishing practice in contemporary China and charts their scattered, autonomous configurations and routes by featuring a significant number of zine publishers’ works. Amid the time of obscurity and uncertainty, Airing Paper (offline) rises to the horizon and encounters friends via curatorial practice.

Dates: 2024.05.25 — 2024.06. 09 (Wed-Sun 2pm – 8pm)

Venue: TheCube Project Space

Curator: Saansausau

About Saansausau

Saansausau is an alternative knowledge production group on zine studies. Saansausau is a Cantonese idiom, which indicates the diverse social and cultural backgrounds of their members. Sausau, the ​​onomatopoeia for wind, represents papers blown in the wind, which further symbolizes the experimental possibilities of self-publishing practices with collage, juxtaposition, parodies, and explorations of multimedia. Saansausau also bears resemblance with shou and xiu in Cantonese pronunciation, which implies their aspiration of collecting various self-publications. The group seeks to map the self-publishing practice and articulate the dimensions of materiality, media, structures of feeling, and affects through curation and publications. Their research project currently delves into the self-publishing networks in China and studies similar practices in Asia and the world as reference points. Rather than offering an overview of all self-publishing practice, Saansausau examines the medium specificity of zines and its formation of culture, aesthetics, and networks of activism.

Curator / Organizer:



TheCube Project Space

Visual Design:

Print & Carve Dept. Pong


International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

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