Topic:Railways and Trains. A Set of Relations
Speaker:Belledent Céline (Jean Monnet University – Centre Max Weber.)
Date:2019年02月18日 15:30-17:50
Venue:Room 106A, HA Building 2, Guangfu Campus, NCTU
*English Lecture series
Behind train journeys and their contemplative representations of the movement in literature and cinema, we find a set of relations affecting the space and the people traveling. In the 19th century in France, railways have been a colossal project to “implement progress and development” all over the colonial empire and its metropolis. This means of transportation is, from its starts until now, entangled between apparently contradictory governmentalities as public service and private profits. Furthermore, trains themselves can also be described as “intense spaces of transitory sociality” (Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion, 2014, p. 215).
In this speech, I propose to map this set of relations based on discourse analysis, observations, and interviews I conducted on a particular local train line in between Saint-Etienne and Lyon.
Celine Belledent is an associate researcher in the sociology research department Max Weber (section Public Cultures) in Saint-Etienne (France). Her researches intend to map hegemonic and minoritarian relations of the contemporary, at a local and global level. Her PhD dissertation explored the links between sexuality and civilization concerns. She actually studies a local train line between Saint-Etienne and Lyon.
She teaches in the educational sciences and sociology departments of the University Jean Monnet as well as in a social workers school.
主辦單位: 國立交通大學/台聯大系統文化研究國際中心、交通大學社會與文化研究所、亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)
經費來源: 高等教育深耕計畫─特色領域研究中心計畫:「衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究」
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