藝境潛行——黃明川 影展 Stalker in the Artscape : the Filmic Scope of Huang Mingchuan
Free Admission 免費自由入場
17. October 2022
Documentary Screening--Sound of Sakura:Taiwanese poets born under Japanese colonial rule
大綱 Introduction:
How could we understand the poets' minds born under the Japanese colonial government in the last century?
We shall use Sound of Sakura, the documentary film by director Huang Ming-Chuan, to start our discussion.
The speakers in this forum will share their thoughts on how colonial cultures influenced the ideas of Japanese-writing poets,
how their aesthetics and emotions shaped, and how the change of the ruling government impacted such a generation.
Location 地點: 陽明交通大學——人社二館三樓F326人文電影館 F326, HA Building 2, National Chiao Tung Yang Ming University
Time 時間:13:30——15:05
Documentary Screening - < Sound of Sakura > (English Subtitled 英文字幕)
放映影片 - 《櫻之聲》
Post Screening 映後時間
(Provide Simultaneous interpreting from Chinese into English 提供中翻英同步口譯)
Moderator 主持: 劉紀蕙 Joyce C.H.Liu (陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心主任)
Speaker 講者: 黃明川導演、王惠珍教授 (清華大學台灣文學所)、劉柳書琴教授 (清華大學台灣文學所)