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Mobile Genders: The Trans* Journeys of Chinese Students in Australia


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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期



2022-09-30 - 2022-11-16




  • 日期 Date:111.11.16 (三)
  • 時間 Time:13:00-15:00 (TAIPEI TIME, GMT+8)
  • 地點 Venue:國立陽明交通大學光復校區人社三館101教室(線上 zoom meeting 與現場同步進行)
    HC Building III Room101, NYCU GuangFu Campus, providing online participation using ZOOM
  • 線上Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88991220979?pwd=R3lreENaN0pFMnZ0eGZxMDRDVGNYUT09
  • 會議 ID:889 9122 0979
  • 密碼Password:276256

          Language: Lecture in Mandarin ( English Interpretation Provided)

  • 主持人Chair:蔡晏霖, 陽明交大人社系副教授
  • 講者Speaker:于詩玄( 雲豹復育研究會理事 X 野聲環境生態公司研究員 X 科隆大學人類學系博士生 )
    Shih-Hsuan Yu, born in 1990, is a community coordinator and co-founder of the Clouded Leopard Association of Taiwan (CLAT). She is also getting her Ph.D. with Michael Bollig, an African natural resource anthropologist at the University of Cologne in Germany.


  • 活動摘要 Abstract:

    Before clouded leopard was given a relatively fixed taxonomic name ‘neofelis nebulosa’ in the late 19th century, the animal was understood for a long time by the colonial officials (mainly Dutch and British) as ‘small tiger’ or ‘young leopard’ in Indo-China Peninsula, so to tell apart from the troublesome man-eating tiger. However, the local Austronesian villagers there (such as Dayak People) seemed already knew the animal in a more specific way. In colonial Taiwan (1895-1945), the situation was somehow similar; the then Japanese Government-General understood the animal roughly as ‘leopard’, mainly to distinguish it from ‘mountain cat’ (also known as leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis). While colonial modernity profoundly impacted the economic development of Taiwan, pre-war Japan expanded its political power at the cost of woodland in their colonies, including those in Taiwan. As a top predator, the scale of habitat fragmentation derived from colonial Taiwan might be too destructive for total health of clouded leopard population. In this talk, the speaker would like to (1) share her initial observations in the learning of people-likulau relationship, (2) ideas of thinking about a future with clouded leopard both locally and globally, and (3) share what it could mean to invest in a clouded leopard restoration program with indigenous partnerships from rural villagers along with scientists.




  • 主辦單位:國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心、陽明交大人社系、台聯大文化研究國際中心、台聯大系統亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程
  • 補助單位:教育部高等教育深耕計畫

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