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2023-10-24 - 2023-11-19

📌演講時間 Date|15:00-17:00, Wednesday, November 1, 2023

📌演講地點 Venue|國立陽明交通大學人社三館HC101/Room HC101, Humanities and Social Sciences Building 3 (No. 1001, Daxue Road, Eastern District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan)

📌線上同步進行 Hybrid speech (online and offline)

線上報名連結 Registration|https://forms.gle/mrisbdzK9JVY...

Please register in advance. We will send you the online link afterwards.

The lecture will be held in English. Mandarin interpretation will be provided.


🎙演講者 Speaker|

Dr. Christopher T. Fan(加州大學爾灣分校助理教授 Assistant Professor of English, Asian American Studies, and East Asian Studies, UC Irvine)


Dr. Lawrence Z. Yang 楊子樵(國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授 Assistant Professor of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU)


講座摘要 Abstract|

Why is Taiwanese American fiction so funny? Why are its reflections on race so cringe-y? Why is it so stuffed with characters from the professional-managerial class, and even more specifically, from scientific, technical, and other quantitative, non-arts professions? Who are Taiwanese American authors, and what might they tell us, as a distinct class, about the contradictions of Asian America and Asian American identity more broadly? This talk will address these questions by describing how Asian America was transformed after the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, and how the professional and technical character of post-65 Taiwanese American human capital in particular was, and continues to be, the result of ideological and imperial projects from Japanese colonialism through its inheritance by the US, and now a putatively post-colonial entanglement with China. This talk will be of value for anyone interested in the relationship between class formation and social form.

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