2020-05-05 - 2020-05-06
演講暨新書座談會Speech & Book Forum
講題Speech topic:
液態正義:以類造人的意識形態與治理術Liquid Justice: Ideology and Governmentality of Making up People
譯書發表Book Forum:
《亞斯伯格的孩子們:自閉症在納粹維也納的起源》On Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna (Chinese edition)
自閉症與亞斯伯格症候群的研究先驅——漢斯・亞斯伯格(Hans Asperger),長久以來被視為捍衛身心障礙兒童的仁慈醫生,然而,近年來有不少歷史學者透過生涯歷程、著作與檔案史料的追溯,重新檢視亞斯伯格醫生與納粹優生學及醫療體制的共謀聯繫。《亞斯伯格的孩子們:自閉症在納粹維也納的起源》一書,企圖揭露心理疾病的命名與診斷、醫療制度運作、以及政治意識形態之間的潛在關連。「亞斯伯格」此一人名或是診斷名稱的備受爭議之處,正是引發我們反省當今對於界定「非常態」(abnormality)的閾限或譜系的歷史破口。
Hans Asperger, the pioneer of autistic-related disorder research, has long been recognized as holding the benevolent attitude towards autistic children. However, some historians are looking into Asperger’s career, publications and archives and reexamining his doubtful collaboration with Nazism. Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna written by Edith Sheffer reveals how the making and evolving of psychiatric diagnoses were complicit with the categories and labels from Nazi’s political ideology. The status of Asperger, as a proper name or as an eponymous diagnoses, is still in dispute. The controversy also brings reflections on the threshold or spectrum of abnormality in our times.
主持:朱元鴻Yuan-Horng Chu(交大社會與文化研究所教授)
講者:吳哲良Che-Liang Wu(清華大學書院導師及通識教育中心兼任助理教授)
對談:黃明慧Ming-Hui Huang(英國謝菲爾德大學俄羅斯與斯拉夫研究所博士)
地點:交通大學人社二館106A室(106A HA Building 2 ,NCTU)
*中文演講(英語同步口譯) Lecture in Chinese (English Simultaneous Interpretation provided)
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