2022-01-17 - 2022-02-09
論文計畫分享論壇 Thesis Project Sharing Forum
Time :January 3, 2022 (14:30-17:30)
Place :R106A, HA Buidling 2, NYCU (陽明交大人社二館106A室)
Zoom link: ID:897 2793 7905 密碼:p7Z7ff
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89727937905?pwd= c1hPbks1UnlCMkptRnhmZU8raXBzdz 09
Are you struggling with your thesis topic? How to narrow down the research spectrum? How to write an organized literature review? How to sharpen the core arguments?
If you have the above questions, the upcoming online Thesis Project Sharing Forum may help. Guest speakers will share their thesis project and writing experiences, including developing the problematics and thesis statement, making a clear hypothesis and core arguments, methods to collect data, and the difficulties encountered during the research processes. Just come and explore more tips for thesis writing!
Moderator: Joyce C.H. Liu
Presenters/Topics 講者及講題
Lungani Hlongwa 龍傑寧
China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative: A global assemblage for pursuing sea power in the 21st century
Fernan Talamayan 湯斐然
Rodrigo Duterte and the Populist Vortex: Populism, Governmentality, and Propaganda in the Philippines
Trang Nguyen 阮氏莊
Imperial Labour Migrations: The Network of Bio-Political Logistics of the French Colonial Government in Indochina
Katarzyna Szpargała 凱奇娜
Misogyny and Anti-Feminism in Cyberspace: A Cross-National Study of Polish and South Korean Cases
Nguyen Thi Lan Hanh 阮蘭欣
Prostitution in Contemporary Viet Nam through the Lens of Vietnamese Cinema
International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IICS-UST)
International Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST)
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