Decolonisation in the 21st Century: Pitfalls and Promises
August 13 (Sunday), 14:00-15:30
Keynote: Ruba Salih (University of Bologna, Italy) (Online)
Moderator: Allen Chun (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
The notion of the “Coloniality of power” has informed much of the contemporary decolonial scholarship. Elaborated by Annibal Qujiano, it provided a paradigm shifting understanding of colonialism as an open-ended spatial articulation of power that has been constitutive of modernity since the 16th century Atlantic trade. In this framework, the temporal differentiation between colonial and post-colonial conditions is problematised. Colonialism is not a derivative historical moment of modernity ending with independence and national sovereignty, the production of colonial differences is ongoing and palpable across the Global North and South. At work today we continue to see a planetary racial-capitalist system perpetuating the epistemic and structural conditions for the exploitation and control of Black and brown bodies, and of their land, resources and labour. Despite widespread reference to this understanding of the colonial, “decoloniality” has been engaged mainly as an epistemic project decoupled from struggles for racial and social justice and attendant activist knowledges. When disconnected from the historical legacy of anti-colonial movements, and from contemporary anti-racist and indigenous struggles, decolonisation can easily be appropriated by marketized higher education institutions or even by nativist movements in pursuit of anti-immigrant agendas. In this talk I reflect on the risks of the “colonisation of the decolonial” and offer some thoughts about how to reposition decolonisation as a radical transformative project within and beyond academia.
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