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Mobile Genders: The Trans* Journeys of Chinese Students in Australia


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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期



2022-03-27 - 2022-04-13

倪杰(Jeffrey Nicolaisen)


講題: 平等間的不平等:台灣漢族佛教徒與泰雅族獵人之間(不)可通約的存有論協商

Title: Inequality of Equalities: The Negotiation of the (In)Commensurable Ontologies of Han Buddhists and Atayal Hunters in Taiwan


講者:倪杰(Jeffrey Nicolaisen) (陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心研究人員)

Speaker: Jeffrey Nicolaisen, Postdoctoral Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU


Moderator: Tsai Yen-Ling, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU



Time: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 1:30 pm-3:30 pm



Location: HC Building III Room101, NYCU GuangFu Campus, providing online participation using ZOOM (Webinar).


Zoom Link:








The primary language for this event is Chinese. In-person participants who need to listen to the presentation in English, please bring a laptop with a headset to access English through the Zoom platform.



(田野地:新竹縣尖石鄉,Field Site: Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County



Talk Description: This multi-species ethnography of the Buddhism-inspired animal protection organization Life Conservationist Association and the “Gaga” and Christianity-inspired Atayal communities of Jianshi Township (Hsinchu County, Taiwan) examines the relationships between Han and indigenous people and nonhuman animals in Taiwan. The research found that (1) the politics of religion have restricted the participation of traditions such as Buddhism in public discourse on ecological issues and (2) the Buddhist concept of “equality of life,” which applies to all sentient beings, is incommensurable with international human rights and environmental conservation law based on European political and environmental theory. Nicolaisen will present equality of life as a viable alternative to human equality and demonstrate how international legal standards rooted in human equality and liberal humanism serve to constrain rather than protect alternative theories of equality and ecology.



講者:倪杰(Jeffrey Nicolaisen)



     講者簡介:倪杰目前為台灣國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心的科技部外國籍博士級研究人員。他的研究用台灣傳統思想與教義來重新思考在台灣的人類與非人類的能動力以及漢族、原住民、狗、猴子之間的多物種互動關係。倪杰於2020~2021年在崑山杜克大學擔任杜克大學-崑山杜克大學全球學者,於2018~2019年在杜克大學擔任「夏洛特·紐科姆」(Charlotte Newcombe) 學者,於2017~2018年在台北醫學大學擔任「傅爾布萊特海斯」(Fulbright-Hays)學者。在從事學術事業之前, 他作為環境咨詢師供職於全球永續性咨詢公司伊尔姆(ERM)環境資源管理。

Biography: Jeffrey Nicolaisen is currently a Ministry of Science and Technology International Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Center for Cultural Studies at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. His research uses Taiwanese traditions and teachings to rethink networks of human and nonhuman agency and the ethics of multi-species interaction between Han and indigenous people, dogs, and monkeys in Taiwan. Nicolaisen was a Duke-DKU Global Fellow at Duke Kunshan University in 2020-2021, a Charlotte Newcombe Fellow at Duke University in 2018-2019, and Fulbright-Hays Fellow at Taipei Medical University in 2017-2018. Prior to pursuing an academic career, he worked as an environmental consultant with the global sustainability consulting group Environmental Resources Management.


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