2022-04-19 - 2022-06-06
臺灣國際民族誌影展 國立陽明交通大學巡迴場次 - 線上
Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival - NYCU tour - online
日期 Date: May 23th - June 6th, 2022
時間 Time:18:30
地點 Venue:線上會議室 Online Meeting Room
NYCU Tour will be held online, please click the register link as below, the organizer will send the online meeting room link via email before the event.
報名連結 Registration Link:
*影片均有中英字幕 Chinese and English subtitle provided
*開放免費入場 All screenings are free and open to the public
5/23《返鄉 The return to the countryside - La vuelta al campo》
倪杰 Jeffrey Nicolaisen/
陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心博士後研究員 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ICCS,NYCU
與談人 Discussants:
褚縈瑩 Ying-Ying Chu
國立台北大學歷史學系暨研究所助理教授, Assistant Professor, Dept of History, NTPU
Introduction: Within a neoliberal context marked by poverty and exclusion, land re-distribution together with food production become part of the return to the countryside.
5/30《重金屬搖滾保留地 Rez Metal》
羅琇如 Hsiu-Ju Stacy Lo/
陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心博士後研究員 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ICCS,NYCU
邱驤 Chiu Hsiang /
清華大學人類學研究所博士生 PhD students, Institute of Anthropology, NTHU
Introduction: When Kyle Felter, the lead singer of I Don't Konform sent out a demo album to Flemming Rasmussen, the Grammy Award-winner producer of Metallica, they never imagined themselves a few months later rehearsing with Rasmussen inside a hot hogan on a Navajo reservation before recording their debut album at the iconic Sweet Silence Studio in Denmark. While following I Don't Konform's fairy tale journey, our documentary Rez Metal, tells the larger compelling story of the heavy metal scene on Navajo reservations where many youths have grown disaffected as a result of endemic poverty and high rate of suicides.
6/6《穆與消失的世界 Mu and the Vanishing World》
劉紀蕙 陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心主任 Director, ICCS,NYCU
與談人Discussants: 翟振孝 Chen-Hsiao Chai
國立歷史博物館副研究員 Associate Research Fellow, National Museum of History
Introduction:Mu, a young Kayan woman from Myanmar, escapes life as a refugee and as a tourist attraction in Thailand to resettle to the USA only to find out that her search for freedom is far from over.
Amid the flurries of enraged political rhetoric we forget that every refugee has an individual story and circumstances that compels them to flee. Working closely together with Mu for over 10 years allowed us to create an intimate, personal narrative that pays tribute to the fierce spirit of human resilience.
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