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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期


與Michael Hathaway教授共同探討多物種方法論

2023-03-05 - 2023-05-31

這個與訪問講者、西蒙弗雷澤大學的 Michael Hathaway 教授一同舉辦的工作坊(還包括亞太基金會的 Scott Harrison),將為參與的教職員和學生提供關於當代多物種方法論的深入討論,並配合 Hathaway 教授最近的著作《What a Mushroom Lives For》。當天下午3:00還會有公開講座。多物種研究在人文學科中正在興起,受到 Matsutake Worlds 研究小組的啟發,該小組的成員之一就是 Michael Hathaway 教授。Hathaway 教授也是關注中國和太平洋沿岸原住民身份的主要學者之一,與台灣的研究強項和興趣相符。此工作坊將為教職員和學生提供一個與 Hathaway 教授討論這些話題的深度交流機會。在此期間,參加的教職員和研究生(包括 Hathaway 教授)將就他最近的著作進行討論,這是人類學博士班理論課程所需閱讀的書籍。參加的教職員也將討論他們自己的多物種方法和理解方面的工作和經驗,以及這些思維方式如何影響對台灣和更廣泛的亞太地區的環境變化問題的思考。參與討論的台灣教職員可能包括:Brendan Galipeau、林浩立和顧坤惠(國立清華大學)、蔡晏霖、謝ㄧ誼和Jeffrey Nicolaisen(國立陽明交通大學)。

This workshop with visiting speaker Professor Michael Hathaway from Simon Fraser University (also including Scott Harrison of the Asia Pacific Foundation) will provide an in-depth discussion and engagement for participating faculty and students in contemporary multispecies methodologies in conjunction with Professor Hathaway's recent book, What a Mushroom Lives For (public lecture to follow later in the day at 15:00). Multispecies scholarship is experiencing an emergence in the social sciences and humanities, inspired by the work of the Matsutake Worlds Research Group of which Michael Hathaway is a member. Professor Hathaway is also a leading scholar in questions about indigeneity in China and the Pacific rim, aligning with research strengths and interest in Taiwan. This workshop will provide faculty and students an opportunity to engage in a discussion with Professor Hathaway’s on these topics at an intimate level. During this
workshop participating faculty and graduate students including Professor Hathaway will engage in discussion over his recent book which is required reading for the accompanying doctoral theory course in anthropology. Participating faculty will also engage in discussion over their own work and experiences in multispecies approaches and understanding and how these ways of thinking can inform thinking about questions of environment change in Taiwan and the broader Asia-Pacific. Participants will be expected to come prepared with questions and a familiarity with Professor Hathaway’s work. Faculty from Taiwan participating in the discussion may include: Brendan Galipeau, Haoli Lin, and Kunhui Ku (NTHU), Yenling Tsai, I-Yi Hsieh, and Jeffrey Nicolaisen (NYCU).


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