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Into the heads of Israel: “Izkor: Slaves of Memory” Screening & Siscussion with Filmmaker Eyal Sivan


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Karolina Breguła 系列演講

2019-03-28 - 2019-04-03

Karolina Breguła(b. 1979)
– artist working in the fields of film, photography, installation and happening. She is a graduate of the Film School in Łódź, where she received her PhD in 2016. Her work explores the problems of the status of the artwork, the materiality of art objects and their functioning within the institutional frameworks. She scrutinises the reception of contemporary art and undermines official art narrations, questioning their language and opening them to new interpretations. Breguła encourages viewers to actively participate in the process, to interact and to challenge the established manners of reception. She explores the problematic of the social role of art and the myths that revolve around it. Many of her works are made using participatory methods. In her recent practice she addresses the political instability and social tensions. Her films inhabit the borderland of contemporary art and the cinema – they are shown both at art galleries and film festivals. Her works have been exhibited at institutions such as Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, Jewish Museum in New York, and International Venice Biennale. She received Views 2013 – Deutsche Bank Award, the third prize in the 2007 Samsung Art Master competition, and Golden Claw Award in the Visions Apart Competition at the 41st Gdynia Film Festival. She is an associate professor at Art Academy in Szczecin. In recent years she has been working in Taiwan and Poland, engaging in interdisciplinary artistic and academic practices.

TALK 1 –
3/28 (THU),1:30pm- 4:20pm ,Room 106, HA2 Bldg, NCTU
"Creating Common Space through Cinema”  /Open to the public. 
Karolina Breguła is a visual artist and filmmaker. During her talk she will give an introduction the participatory methods she uses in her art practice. She will speak about functioning between art and cinema as well as about her philosophy of using art as a tool in community life.

TALK 2 –
4/3(WED),14:00pm- 15:30pm ,Room 106, HA2 Bldg, NCTU
Artist in the face of political instability 
During her talk Karolina Breguła will speak about her own art practice reacting to the current political and social tensions. She will introduce works such as The Offence, Office for Monument Construction, Photophobia and Squere which are metaphorical descriptions of the political instability. She will also speak about her practice of using art as a tool of direct activity such as Instrument for Making Noise or participatory works. 

4/3(WED),15:30pm- 17:00pm ,Room 106, HA2 Bldg, NCTU
The Tower (79min)  (Karolina Breguła,2016)
The Tower is an opera musical about a group of people living in a concrete block of flats and planning to construct a sugar tower in their district. The quite absurd and upsetting story of a utopian project alludes to post-war residential architecture, analysing it from the perspective of its users, inhabitants of modernist districts and residents of the city, rather than its creators and theoreticians of architecture. Memories of desires, dreams and the belief in a new better future are confronted with hard reality and contradictions inherent in modernist designs.

English speech, 英文演講

經費來源: 高等教育深耕計畫─特色領域研究中心計畫:「衝突、正義、解殖:亞際社會批判研究」 
主辦單位: 國立交通大學/台聯大系統文化研究國際中心、交通大學社會與文化研究所、亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)

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