2022-03-06 - 2022-03-15
Global Coloniality and the World Disorder: A Decolonial Take / A Book Forum
日期Time: 12/2 (週四)8 pm-10 pm
Zoom link
瓦爾特・米尼奧羅 美國杜克大學William H. Wannamaker教授,全球研究與人文中心主任
Walter D. Mignolo, William H. Wannamaker Professor and Director of the Center for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke University
王智明 中研院歐美研究所副研究員
Chih-Ming Wang, Associate Research Fellow, European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
何衛華 華中師範大學外國語學院教授
Weihua He, Professor, English and Comparative Literature, Central China Normal University
劉紀蕙 陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所講座教授
Joyce C.H. Liu, Chair Professor, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
唐慧宇 陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心博士後研究員
Hui-Yu Tang, Postdoctoral Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Language: Lecture in Mandarin (English Interpretation provided)
瓦爾特・米尼奧羅現為美國杜克大學William H. Wannamaker教授,全球研究與人文中心主任,並擔任柏林文明對話研究院(DOC)資深顧問。作為當代重要的解殖思想家和後殖民理論家,米尼奧羅長年以來的研究以拉丁美洲的解殖思想和原住民哲學為進路,為我們揭示了16世紀以降、隱匿於世界體系背後的權力殖民性、西方認識論霸權和知識的地緣政治。
Walter D. Mignolo is William H. Wannamaker Professor and Director of the Center for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke University. Mignolo is an important thinker of decoloniality and a postcolonial theorist. Drawing on decolonial thoughts and Indigenous thinking from Latin America, his study exposes the coloniality of power, the hegemony of Western epistemology, and geopolitics of knowledge hidden behind the world system since the sixteenth century.
Mignolo’s recent work investigates the political forces of re-Westernization, de-Westernization and the multipolar world order that have emerged in global politics. Providing a critical examination of the knowledge system, financial institutions and the idea of sustainable development that shaped the current global order, Mignolo’s work invites alternative thinking on concepts such as “sustainable economies” and “living in harmony and plenitude.” This book is a collection of representative works selected by Mignolo, a brand new chapter written for the book, and an interview conducted by local scholars. It aims to open a perspective of the “Global South” that responds to the world’s pressing issues and encourages intellectual decolonization for readers in the Chinese-speaking world.
主辦單位 Organizers:陽明交大文化研究國際中心(International Center of Cultural Studies, NYCU)、陽明交大社會與文化研究所(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU)、陽明交大出版社(NYCU Press)
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