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2024 亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程迎新交流會


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2022-2023 YEAR BOOK


9/26 Amy Villarejo-Queer Sentiment on Television Venue (1)


Venue: Room 106, HA Building 2, NCTU
Date: 9/26 THU
Time: 1:30-4:20pm

Abstract of the Talk:
A helpful tradition of queer theory — from Lauren Berlant to others involved in the collective called “political emotions” — has helped us to understand sentiment as a power wielded socially and historically, in which the public is sustained and defined through shared feeling. This talk examines how sentiment is activated in the particular mode of crying in response to television programs, using recent examples from Queer Eye and the reboot of Tales of the City.

About the Speaker:
Amy Villarejo is  Frederic J. Whiton Professor of Humanities at the Department of Performing and Media Arts + Department of Comparative Literature, Cornell University;Director, The Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity, Cornell University. She also serves as the Director of the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity at Cornell. Professor Villarejo has published widely in cinema and media studies, with research on feminist and queer media, documentary film, American television, critical theory, and cultural studies. Her book, Lesbian Rule: Cultural Criticism and the Value of Desire (Duke University Press) won the Katherine Singer Kovacs award from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies for best book in the field in 2003. Her most recent monograph Ethereal Queer: Television, Historicity, Desire (Duke University Press, 2016), discusses contemporary media culture through the intersectional lens of media theory, queer theory, cultural studies, and the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. She is co-editor of a special issue of the journal GLQ on “Queer Studies and the Crises of Capitalism." Her articles have appeared in journals such as Film Quarterly, Cinema Journal, New German Critique, Social Text, and numerous anthologies and edited collections. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in cinema and media, feminist theory, queer theory, urbanism, television, critical and literary theory, and political art.  

*English Lecture (本場次為英文演講)

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