「東協-中國」連帶下的媒介文化與地緣政治 系列講座
The Sino-ASEAN Infrastructural Nexus: Media, Culture, Geopolitics Lecture Series
Photography, Chineseness and the Production of National Cultures in Post-WWII Southeast Asia.
*英文演講(提供中文口譯) Lecture in English (Chinese Interpretation provided)
In the region that would become Southeast Asia, ethnic Chinese photographers have been involved in salon photography (Pictorialism) since the 1920s. In its praxis, these photographers formed amateur photo clubs, participated in overseas contests (salons) and received patronage from colonial / local elites. Even though they were not immune to the competing appeals of political solidarity in that turbu-lent era, many of them ended up participating willingly or unwittingly in the nation-building project. In its praxis and the photographs that it produced, salon photography helped to produce the visual imagi-nary that would constitute the national cultures of Southeast Asia.
Zhuang Wubin 莊吳斌
Zhuang Wubin is a writer who makes photographs, publications and exhibitions. He is interested in photography’s entanglements with modernity, colonialism, nationalism, “Chineseness,” and the Cold War in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Published by NUS Press, Photography in Southeast Asia: A Survey (2016) is his fourth book. In 2019, Zhuang received the J Dudley Johnston Award and Hon-orary Fellowship from the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain for that publication. The Chi-nese translation is published in 2019 by VOP BOOKS, Taipei.
Zhuang has made presentations, exhibited work, curated shows and taught classes, some at Taiwan: National Center of Photography and Images (2021); National Cheng Kung University, Tainan (2019); Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei (2017, 2019); Department of Sociology, National Chengchi Universi-ty, Taipei (2017); Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica (2017); Sin Pin Pier-Absolutely Art Space, Kaohsiung (2017); Taipei National University of the Arts (2017); MA in Criti-cal and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art, National Taipei University of Education (2017); Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts (2017).
﹅ Moderator 主持人:
楊子樵 Lawrence Yang
﹅ Speaker 講者:
Zhuang Wubin 莊吳斌
﹅ Time 演講時間:
11/26 14:00-17:00
﹅ Venue 演講地點:
⚙︎ 主辦單位 / Organizers
International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Tai-wan
⚙︎ 協辦單位 / Co-organizers
International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IICS-UST)
International Masters Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST)
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