2019/10/2 Ian Taylor-專書演講《非洲崛起?——金磚四國的多元化依賴》 (1)
日期: 10/2 WED
時間: 14:00-17:00
地點: HA Building2 R106國立交通大學人社二館 106A
講者介紹: Ian Taylor 現為蘇格蘭 University of St. Andrews 國際關係和非洲政治經濟學教授,也是中國人民大學國際關係學院講座教授。同時也在南非、衣索比亞、烏干達、瑞典、香港等地擔任講座教授、訪問學者等職。
他主要關注撒哈拉以南非洲地區(SSA),目前是「現代非洲研究期刊」Journal of Modern African Studies 的共同編輯。他被描述為“SSA IR最權威的學者之一”(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)。自1994年起,他對中國外交關係政策發生興趣,並逐漸把研究焦點放在中國在非洲的政治經濟發展。他從事歷史文獻和在地調查的研究工作,並從批判理論和世界體系立場分析第三世界的發展過程。
內容簡介: Africa is said to be rising, turning a definitive page in its history, heralding new and exciting possibilities for the continent. This discourse maintains that with upsurge in economic growth comes improved governance and endogenous dynamics; that the emerging economies, and especially the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India China, South Africa), have been instrumental in diversifying Africa's international relations, perhaps leading to a radical change in the global order, favourable to the developing world. But to what extent is this true, and how deep and how broad has been the impact on society at large? This book takes a critical look at the prevalent Africa Rising discourse, and explores the nature and implications of Africa's "rise" and the role that the BRICS have played in it. The author argues that Africa has still to undergo any structural transformation; that there is strong evidence that deindustrialisation and jobless growth have accompanied the upsurge of interest in the continent; and that far from making a radical turn in its developmental trajectory, Africa is being pushed into the resource corner as commodity exporters, to the North (and now, the BRICS) with little scope for industrial progress or skills advancement. Hope that the BRICS might offer an alternative to the extant neoliberal order are misplaced, for the BRICS have a stake in maintaining the current global unequality. Africa must therefore fashion its own independent path - while the emerging economies will be important, relying on external actors may simply reproduce anew the current state of underdevelopment.
*英文演講 (English Lectures)
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