2019/10/3 一帶一路與中國政治經濟的全球化國際研討會 下午場-(6)
日期: 10/3 THU
時間: 9:30-17:30
地點: HA Building 3 R101 國立交通大學人社三館 101
Geopolitics, Socioeconomics and Culturologies
Chair: Derek Sheridan
Topic 1: Africa’s Place in China’s Spatial Fix: The Belt and Road Initiative and the Reproduction of Dependency
Speaker 1: Ian Taylor, School of International Relations, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Topic 2: Behind the Facade of B&R Generosity: Uncharitable Chinese, Ungrateful Africans
Speaker 2: Chu Yuan-horng (朱元鴻), Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU
Topic 3: The Dark Side of Sino-Burmese Cooperation in the Advent of Belt and Road Initiative
Speaker 3: Kristina Kironská, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, Slovakia
*中英文演講 (English and Chinese Lectures)
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