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《燃後》vol.2 《洄游頭前溪》─2024.夏季|六燃小誌第二期




「東協-中國」連帶下的媒介文化與地緣政治 系列講座
The Sino-ASEAN Infrastructural Nexus: Media, Culture, Geopolitics Lecture Series

   Cinema and the Cultural Cold War: 
   US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network

李的著作《電影與文化冷戰》探討冷戰政治高峰時期,新獨立國家與殖民國家之間的跨國競合,如何塑造戰後亞洲電影。亞洲地區的經濟發展和早期電影企業家之間共享的戰後經驗,深受冷戰政治、美國文化外交和 1950 年代、1960 年代劇烈文化流動的影響。透過仔細審視該時期文化現實,冷戰期間不結盟運動的影響、破裂和重建的國際關係,他重構亞洲電影史:東亞和東南亞的電影高管、創意人員、政策制定者和知識分子如何渴望建構好萊塢式的電影產業,以擴大市場並提高文化產品競爭力。為此,他們成立了亞洲電影製片人聯合會,共同主辦亞洲電影節,並聯合製作電影。《電影與文化冷戰》揭示出,亞洲第一個戰後電影製片人網絡的出現,很大程度上是冷戰文化政治和美國霸權的產物。在東京、新加坡、香港和吉隆坡等不同城市舉辦的電影節,既是電影人才的年度展示,也是中央情報局在美國和亞洲之間所維繫的文化、政治與機構的連動。

Lee's book Cinema and the Cultural Cold War explores the ways in which postwar Asian cinema was shaped by transnational collaborations and competitions between newly independent and colonial states at the height of Cold War politics. I adopt a simultaneously global and regional approach when analyzing the region's film cultures and industries. New economic conditions in the Asian region and shared postwar experiences among the early cinema entrepreneurs were influenced by Cold War politics, US cultural diplomacy, and intensified cultural flows during the 1950s and 1960s. By taking a closer look at the cultural realities of this tumultuous period, I comprehensively reconstruct Asian film history in light of the international relationships forged, broken, and re-established as the influence of the non-aligned movement grew across the Cold War. I elucidate how motion picture executives, creative personnel, policymakers, and intellectuals in East and Southeast Asia aspired to industrialize their Hollywood-inspired system in order to expand the market and raise the competitiveness of their cultural products. They did this by forming the Federation of Motion Picture Producers in Asia, co-hosting the Asian Film Festival, and co-producing films. Cinema and the Cultural Cold War demonstrates that the emergence of the first intensive postwar film producers' network in Asia was, in large part, the offspring of Cold War cultural politics and the product of American hegemony. Film festivals that took place in cities as diverse as Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur were annual showcases of cinematic talent as well as opportunities for the Central Intelligence Agency to establish and maintain cultural, political, and institutional linkages between the United States and Asia during the Cold War. Cinema and the Cultural Cold War reanimates this almost-forgotten history of cinema and the film industry in Asia.

 Lecture in English (Chinese Interpretation provided)


主持人 Moderator:楊子樵 Lawrence Yang
講 者 Speaker:李尚埈 Sangjoon Lee
時 間 Time:2022/01/06 15:00-18:00
地 點 Venue:線上演講 ZOOM


講者簡介 Speaker Information:


Sangjoon Lee is an Associate Professor of Asian cinema at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. Lee is the author of Cinema and the Cultural Cold War: US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network (Cornell University Press, 2020), the editor of Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media (University of Michigan Press, 2015) and Rediscovering Korean Cinema (University of Michigan Press, 2019), and the guest editor of “Reorienting Asian Cinema in the Age of the Chinese Film Market (Screen, 2019), “The Chinese Film Industry: Emerging Debates” (Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2019), and “Transmedia and Asian Cinema” (Asian Cinema, 2020). Lee is currently editing The South Korean Film Industry (University of Michigan Press) and Asian Cinema and the Cultural Cold War (Amsterdam University Press), and also writing a new monograph Border Crossings in Celluloid Asia: South Korea’s Encounter with Sinophone Cinemas (Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming).


主辦單位 / Organizers
International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

協辦單位 / Co-organizers
International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IICS-UST)
International Masters Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST)

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